Support the Baptist Standard

Your donation makes it possible for us to connect God’s story and God’s people to grow God’s kingdom around the world. We do this by publishing news, opinion and resources by, for and about Baptists in Texas and beyond.

Gifts from donors like you make up a vital portion of our budget. While we partner with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, we are funded by advertising, endowment earnings and you. So, we can’t do this without you.

To make a tax-deductible donation online click here or keep reading for more information about how you can support our ministry. If you would like to support us by check, please mail to: Baptist Standard Publishing, PO Box 941309, Plano TX 75094. To set up monthly or quarterly recurring donations, please contact our administrative assistant, Lindsay Springer, at (214) 630-4571 ext. 1014 or [email protected].

IRA tax-deductible donation: If you are 70 1/2 years old or older, you may be able to make a gift to the Baptist Standard from your IRA as a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD. You may also have heard this referred to as the IRA charitable rollover. A QCD fact sheet prepared by HighGround Advisors is available here.

We encourage you to talk to your financial advisor to discuss if this type of gift is a good fit for you or to make a QCD to support the Baptist Standard. HighGround Advisors, an advertising partner of the Baptist Standard, can assist you. The Texas Baptist Missions Foundation also can assist you.

Your retirement account also can be a way to remember the Baptist Standard in your estate plan. This would involve naming the Standard as a beneficiary of the retirement account using the plan administrator’s beneficiary designation form.

Most traditional retirement accounts are subject to income tax if left to individual beneficiaries, but a charity will not have to pay income tax on these distributions. This means the full value of the distribution from the retirement account would be available to the Baptist Standard for its charitable purposes.

If you have any questions about charitable gifts from IRAs, or other ways to support the Baptist Standard, you or your advisors may contact our administrative assistant, Lindsay Springer, at (214) 630-4571 ext. 1014 or [email protected].

We work hard to make sure your investment in our ministry touches lives. After all, we’re stewards of the Lord’s resources—time, talent and funds. Because of friends like you, we’re able to produce the Baptist Standard, our digital news publication.

We have two key funding options that support the expanse of our ministry.

Current Operating Fund

This is our bread and butter, the fund that pays most of our bills. Contributions to the Current Operating Fund enable us to gather and report news, secure and disseminate resources, buy Internet bandwidth, and pay the phone bill. In short, it enables us to carry out our ministry.

General Endowment

If you want to make a gift that will keep giving until the Lord returns, consider our General Endowment Fund. The principal of this fund—including your gift—is protected and will not be spent. The interest income it generates, combined with interest on gifts from friends throughout the years, is used to support our ongoing operation.

Donate Now

If you’d like to know more about ways to give, types of donations, campaigns and estate planning, contact our administrative assistant, Lindsay Springer, at (214) 630-4571 ext. 1014 or [email protected].

Your donation makes a difference. We appreciate it—and you—far more than we can express.