
Posted: 6/27/03

A note to Baptist Standard readers
about the summer print schedule

A revised summer publication schedule for the Baptist Standard will take full effect after this issue.

The Standard reported earlier that the newspaper's board of directors approved a summer publication schedule that skips print publication on seven weeks as a cost-cutting measure.

Print issues have been skipped two weeks already. After this issue, the skip weeks will occur on an every-other-week cycle. The next print issue of the Standard will be dated July 14.

At the same time, the Standard has redesigned its website to provide daily updates of fresh news and feature stories, as well as links to religion news of interest around the world.

Eliminating the print issues will save the Standard more than $100,000 in postage costs, explained Editor Marv Knox. The cost-cutting is necessary, he said, due to the deflated value of the newspaper's endowment earnings over the last two years. The Standard, although an agency of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, receives no Cooperative Program funding and must be financially self-supporting.

“Reducing the number of print issues is not our ideal action, but it is the only reasonable way to continue to fulfill our mission without being financially irresponsible,” Knox said. “We hope readers will notice that we have beefed up the size and content of the issues that are published, so that total content will not diminish.

“Also, we are discovering that more of our readers are finding the Standard's website to be the fastest way to know what's going on in Texas Baptist life.”

Church newsletters that are published by the Standard will continue to be mailed every week, even when the paper is not printed. Knox asked church newsletter subscribers to be patient as details of this transition are worked out with the U.S. Postal Service.

“We know some of our newsletters arrived more slowly than normal last week, and we apologize for the inconvenience,” he said. “We hope to have worked out all the issues with postal delivery soon.”

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.