Baptists Preaching

  • Cary Killough: Causes and Cures for Backsliding

    Cary Killough, senior pastor of Meadowbrook Baptist Church in Robinson, Texas tells a story about the discomfort of backsliding, a word that appears most often in Jeremiah. (Galatians 3:1-14)

  • Dana Moore: We Live the Greatest Virtues

    Dana Moore, pastor of Second Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, Texas, shares a story from the TV show “American Pickers” in which a Hollywood cowboy wanted his name to go with his stuff. He wanted to be remembered.

  • Jake Maxwell: Even Better

    Jake Maxwell, senior pastor of Second Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas, begins with a twist, pointing back to Herod having John the Baptist beheaded, as background to Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000. (Matthew 14:13-21)

  • Pastor Eric Tarver: The Kind of Church God Uses

    Eric Tarver, the pastor of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church in Beeville, Texas, charges his hearers to be like the church in biblical Philadelphia (Revelation 3:10-13).

  • Phil Christopher: A Declaration of Interdependence

    Phil Christopher, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Abilene, Texas, asks his hearers if they ever feel like new sailors who have lost their bearings. (Matthew 5:21-24, 41-48; 6:22-23)

  • Rev. Rosalind Spencer: The Unforgiving Servant

    Rev. Rosalind Spencer, children’s pastor at Westside Baptist Church in Lewisville, continues the story she began teaching the previous week, reading the parable about the unforgiving servant recorded in Matthew 18:23-34.

  • Rev. Byron Stevenson: A Proper Perspective in a Troubled World

    Rev. Byron Stevenson, founding pastor of The Fort Bend Church in Sugar Land, focuses on 1 Peter 1:7 as he speaks to the reality of some amount of trouble in every person’s life. (1 Peter 1:1-9)

  • Dr. Delvin Atchison: A Prophetic Response to ‘I Can’t Breathe’

    Dr. Delvin Atchison, the senior pastor of Westside Baptist Church in Lewisville, Texas, addresses race head-on, saying he “will stop preaching about it when it stops being an issue.” (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

  • Dr. Ira Antoine Jr.: Praying Through a Pandemic of Prejudice

    Dr. Ira Antoine Jr., the pastor of Minnehulla Baptist Church in Goliad, Texas, and the director of bivocational pastors ministry for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, draws his congregation to a part of the Old Testament infrequently visited. (Habakkuk 3)

  • Dan Wooldridge: Six Life-Changing Promises

    Dan Wooldridge, the senior pastor of Crestview Baptist Church in Georgetown, Texas, was drawn to reconsider John 10 after hearing Sanj Kalra, Ravi Zacharias’ “walking stick,” testify to how that passage changed his life. (John 10:1-10)

  • David Lowrie: The Potter’s House

    David Lowrie, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Decatur, Texas, asks how his listeners would describe God. What do descriptors these mean during a time of pandemic and crisis? He explains their contemporary significance using a story from the book of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 18:1-6)

  • John Crowder: Under a Broom Tree

    John Crowder, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in West, Texas, asks his congregation if the old church song about being “happy all the time” is true. Despite the wonders God worked through Elijah, he came to the end of himself after Jezebel threatened to kill him. He ended up depressed and sitting under a broom tree, talking “straight” with God. (1 Kings 19:1-8)