Baptists Preaching

  • Adam Pardue: What the World Needs Now

    Adam Pardue, pastor of Highland Baptist Church in Lubbock, examined the story of Jesus feeding the 4,000 emphasizing it is a message of inclusivity. (Mark 8:1-10)

  • Pastor Steven Young: Prayer Makes the Difference

    Steven Young, pastor of The Cross Baptist Church in Tyler and principal of Winona Elementary School, pointed out that even though Jesus’ disciples had seen him perform wonders, they still needed him to teach them how to pray. (Luke 11:1-13)

  • Dustin Slaton: A Profile of Revival Prayer

    Dustin Slaton, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Round Rock, planned to preach on prayer months before the Asbury Revival started, crediting God’s sovereignty with the timing. (Daniel 9:1-19)

  • Dr. E.K. Bailey: Jesus vs. Religion

    Dr. E.K. Bailey, founding pastor of Concord Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas and namesake of the annual E.K. Bailey Preaching Conference, preaches from Mark 2.

  • Jordan Davis: 180º Identity

    Jordan Davis, nextgen pastor at First Baptist Church in Plano, described what it was like to end up in the same classroom with someone from his hometown—in another country more than 4,000 miles away. (Acts 8:26-40)

  • Doug Diehl: Cut to the Heart

    Doug Diehl, senior pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in San Antonio, pointed to something his hearers take for granted—the ability to read. (Acts 2:32-41)

  • Marc Burnett Sr.: Core Values in the Body of Christ

    Marc Burnett Sr., pastor of First Baptist Church in Covington, presented an expository sermon on Ephesians 4:1-6 outlining the life a person called by God should exhibit.

  • Chad Edgington: This is Going to be Expensive

    Chad Edgington—senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Olney and a graduate of Howard Payne University—exhorted his hearers to consider their monetary giving, not in terms of meeting needs, but in relation to their walk with Christ. (2 Corinthians 8:1-7)

  • Corey Cornutt: Undomesticated

    Corey Cornutt, lead pastor of First Baptist Church in Grandview, opened with the image of a housecat, which is genetically built for more than living in a house. (Mark 1:35-39)

  • Damon Pearce: Remember to Forget

    Damon Pearce, pastor of First Baptist Church in Abernathy, suggested a certain kind of amnesia—spiritual amnesia—could be a good thing. (Philippians 3:13-14)

  • Mark Lindsey: Finish

    Mark Lindsey, pastor of First Baptist Church in Big Spring, said the real work begins after Christmas with “de-decorating”—putting all the decorations away. (Ecclesiastes 7:8-10)

  • Meredith Summers: Mary

    Meredith Summers, minister to women at Pioneer Drive Baptist Church in Abilene, admitted she has a hard time relating to Mary, the mother of Jesus but sees important ways Mary’s story connects with ours (Luke 1-2).