Around the State

Men from churches in the Abilene area will share their faith in prisons in Abilene, Colorado City, Haskell and Snyder April 14-16 as part of a Weekend of Champions event. David Cason, pastor of Broadview Church in Abilene, is chairman of the effort.

Steve Wyrick, professor of Christian studies, will discuss “The Archaeology of Egypt” at an April 14 noon ministers’ forum at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

Two mission teams from Adamsville Baptist Church served in mid-March in Laredo-area colonias. Pastor Kelly Wolverton planned a gardening project in consultation with Mario Garcia, River Ministry coordinator for the area. The Adamsville group delivered a tractor and other farm equipment, gardening tools, seeds, piping for water, two puppies and about two-dozen chickens. A second team from the church built bunk beds for children in the colonias.

Deborah McCollister, professor of English at Dallas Baptist University, is teaching world literature and writing classes at LCC International University in Lithuania this school year as a Fulbright scholar. She has taught at DBU 10 years.

Krista Piferrer has been promoted to executive vice president of external affairs of Baptist Child & Family Services. She will oversee government relations, media communications, public relations and donor development. She has been vice president of communications since 2008.


Liberty Church in Bridge City, 20th, April 9-10. Saturday will be a family fun day with games, hot dogs and special music at 4 p.m. Rusty Walton will preach Sunday morning, and a meal will follow the service. William Collier is pastor.


Don Howren as minister of music at First Church in Texarkana after 30 years of ministry there.


Emmett Johnson, 82, Jan. 31 in Birmingham, Ala. He was the first administrator of High Plains Baptist Hospital in Amarillo, where he served 12 years. He retired from Baptist Health System in Alabama in 1994 after 19 years as chief executive officer. He was preceded in death by his twin brother, Rufus. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Anna Belle; daughter, Gay Lynn Johnson; son, Galen; brother, Johnny; and one granddaughter.

Dot Dietrich, 82, Feb. 28 in Tulsa, Okla. She and her husband, Vernon, served more than 30 years as missionaries to Thailand with the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board. Prior to their move to Oklahoma six years ago, they lived in Spring. She is survived by her husband of 59 years; daughters, Pat King, Debbi Faith and Melinda King; son, David; brother, A.C. Rolen; sister, Betty Eli; and four grandchildren.