Buckner camp provides week of firsts for foster and adoptive families

Participants at the Buckner Foster Family Camp are all smiles. (Photo / Aimee Freston / Buckner)


BURNET—Buckner foster and adoptive families understand family is about more than biological connections. It’s about people who love and care about each other.

foster camp 300Enjoying time together at the Buckner Foster Family Camp are (left to right) Llyjah Conner, Kolby Bramlett, Danielle Bramlett (sister to a foster parent) and Journee Conner. (Photo / Aimee Freston / Buckner)Recently, more than 600 foster and adoptive children and families got a glimpse into just how big their family truly is as they participated in Buckner Foster Family Camp at Camp Buckner in Burnet.

“I couldn’t get over how beautiful every family at camp was,” foster mom Tiffany Cassidy of Nevada said. “People of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds coming together to take care of kids in need. I know the kids in foster care face all kinds of struggles, but this weekend was just about families getting out and having fun. It was encouraging to see parents who have been involved with foster care for so long.”

coggins 350Rebecca Coggins, foster-care case manager for Buckner in Lubbock, enjoys time fishing with her son Cooper, during a camp for foster families. (Photo / Aimee Freston / Buckner)Families had time to unwind, relax and connect with other foster families through worship, teaching times and activities. Parents met encouraging fellow parents who understand their struggles and joys.

“Camp Buckner was a highlight of our summer, as it provided a set-aside time for our family to have fun together, be refreshed and refueled,” foster mom Katy Adamson of Kilgore said.

The foster care camp gave parents the unique opportunity to have people invest in their lives like they typically do into the lives of foster children.

“I really appreciated how many people were there to serve us,” Cassidy said. “We are typically the ones taking care of other people’s needs, and it was really touching to be on the other side.”

Camp Buckner Executive Director Jeff Edmonds said Foster Family Camp is among his favorite times of the year.

“It is a great connection for our staff to meet the foster care families and share the bigger ministry of Buckner,” Edmonds said. “It brings all the children back. It’s a fun time to catch up and see how families are growing together.”

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zipline 250Some participants at the Buckner Foster Family Camp experienced thrills like the zipline and ropes course for the first time. (Photo / Aimee Freston / Buckner)The camp included opportunities that are new to foster children. Parents got to see the exhilaration on their children’s faces as they flew through the air on the zip line or caught their first fish.

“It’s a fun time,” Edmonds said. “Children get to experience something many of them may not have had the chance to do, whether it’s zip lines or ropes courses or hanging out by the pool.”

The highlight for many of the children and parents was a talent show.

“Our children also were able to perform in their first talent show and it was a hoot!” Adamson said. “Camp Buckner was such a loving and encouraging place for the kids to perform. Everyone was supportive and encouraging to each brave performer.”

Families cherished the encouragement, support and chance to see how much they’ve grown.

“Thank you, Buckner, for a great family camp experience,” foster mom DeeAn Thompson of Mesquite said. “It was great to be able to spend time together without the usual busyness of daily life. It was also a great time of reflection on how much my girls have matured since last year.”

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