Autistic children enjoy art event hosted by UMHB
BELTON—For several hours on a recent Saturday, a University of Mary Hardin-Baylor gymnasium was transformed into an artists’ paradise. From pencils and paint to canvas and cardboard puzzle pieces, children with autism expressed themselves through original artwork during an Autism in Action event, sponsored by the Student Government Association of Texas State Technical College in Waco.
04/28/2008 - By admin
Hispanic gathering stresses unity
SAN ANTONIO—Unity and equipping Christians for evangelism and discipleship took the spotlight at a regional Hispanic Baptist Convocation of the Laity gathering in San Antonio.
Baldemar Borrego, president of the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas, stressed the importance of promoting unity among Hispanic Baptists.
“We are one brotherhood,” Borrego said. He emphasized depending on God for the individual, inner change necessary to “make a difference in the city.”
04/24/2008 - By admin
Lubbock teen, 69-year-old woman connected through service
VADO, N.M.—Antonia Ocón’s living room has a foot-wide hole in it. Spider webs cling to the room’s corners. The floor would break if anyone jumped. And the windows are peep holes covered by plastic.
“I spent my life picking chile, planting onions and gathering herbs for a living,” she said, stretching out sand-paper-rough hands as proof. “It was enough to help feed 10 children, but the sun gave me cancer.”
04/02/2008 - By admin