Rincones named Hispanic convention executive director


DALLAS—The Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas named Jesse Rincones of Lubbock as its first executive director.

The convention’s executive board unanimously appointed Rincones, the organization’s president since 2010. The directorship is a volunteer position, and leaders believe it will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

The action was made to empower longer-term planning and initiatives that stretch across presidential terms, convention leaders indicated. Such efforts include a three-year project to revitalize the state’s 42 regional Spanish compañerismos and creation of a Hispanic leadership development program.

“It’s a historic step the convention is taking,” Rincones said. “I recognize the responsibility and the opportunity to help churches fulfill the responsibility they are feeling.”

The Hispanic convention is the third-largest Hispanic Baptist body in the world, Rincones noted. God is calling Texas Hispanic Baptists to expand his kingdom through a variety of outreach efforts, and to accomplish those tasks, the Hispanic Baptist Convention will continue to encourage its congregations to partner with the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

The Hispanic convention will not duplicate efforts made by the BGCT but seek to meet specific needs of Hispanic churches that are not being met, he emphasized.

“As we become a stronger convention of churches, we become a stronger part of the BGCT,” he said.

Rincones, the lead pastor of Alliance Church in Lubbock, has served the Hispanic convention in numerous roles.

He earned his law degree from Texas Tech University, where he also earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics.

As a result of Rincones becoming executive director, Daniel “Tiny” Dominguez, pastor of Community Heights Baptist Church in Lubbock and first vice president of the Hispanic Baptist Convention, has become president of the group.