Texas Tidbits

Buckner collaboration aids single-parent families. Buckner International has teamed up with Star of Hope Mission to provide a transitional program for single-parent families in Houston, focusing particularly on homeless families. Buckner Family Place of Houston residents will be enrolled in academic or vocational programs, receive housing and child-care assistance, and have access to counseling and case-management services.

ETBU has new address. East Texas Baptist University has a new street address, but the campus has not relocated. The Marshall City Commission recently approved a resolution changing Barney Carter Street to Tiger Drive, making One Tiger Drive the new physical address for ETBU.

HBU nursing school receives gift. Houston Baptist University’s School of Nursing and Allied Health received a $300,000 lead gift from Bruce and Mary Ann Belin that will enable the school to move forward with plans to modernize and enhance its nursing program and facilities. Once complete, the Mary Ann Belin Nursing and Allied Health Simulation Lab will allow the HBU School of Nursing to accommodate additional students by doubling both classroom capacity and lab space. The proposed expansion also will make room for new equipment, including a fully simulative training environment featuring a nursing station, computer desks, sinks, beds and an IV simulator.

Grant aids BCFS youth program. Baptist Child & Family Services will launch a three-year education and job-training program for drop-outs in the Kerrville area, thanks to a more than $881,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. Youth eligible for services are Kerr County residents, ages 16 to 24, who dropped out of school, are transitioning out of the Texas foster care or juvenile justice systems, or who are from low-income homes. Students will spend half their day in school and the other half working on construction projects through Habitat for Humanity, building homes for low-income families. 

Utley commentaries available online. Bible commentaries and study aids written by Bob Utley, retired professor of religion at East Texas Baptist University, are now available in an open access collection at http://site.ebrary.com/lib/etbu. Created by the university’s librarians, the new site includes materials in English and Russian, with additional languages to be added in the upcoming weeks.

Senior saint summit set at UMHB. Pastor Andy Davis from First Baptist Church in Belton will preach and Pastor Ronnie Hood from Canyon Creek Baptist Church in Temple will lead the Bible study at the Senior Adult Summit, May 16-19 at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton. “A Blast from the Past” is the summit theme. The Central Texas Master Singers and the choir and orchestra from First Baptist Church in Belton will perform concerts during the event for adults age 55 and older. The choir from Crestview Baptist Church in Georgetown also will participate. For more information, contact [email protected].