Immigration, education, ‘Voices,’ Baylor, freedom


Immigration and acceptance

There is nothing I can say to change people’s passion on the subject of immigration.

There are laws that protect the citizens, because it is the government’s responsibility to do so.

The loving hearts of individuals and groups to accept those of different faiths is admirable. Don’t mistake the government’s position as telling you to be less accepting. 

Steve Livengood



Tax dollars and public education

In response to Charles Foster Johnson’s “Public education as a truly conservative Texas Value”: Even in Communist China, teachers are allowed to “bow their heads” in their houses of worship—just never in the classroom. Unfortunately, that’s pretty much the situation here in America now.

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How can teachers “model their faith in schools and classrooms” when they can’t even speak the name of Jesus? When they can’t even say “God bless you” when a child sneezes? How can teachers and principals “model their faith” when one of their jobs is to keep God and the Bible out of the curriculum and out of the classroom?

And if voucher programs and school choice programs are such a bad deal, why are so many parents of economically disadvantaged school children wanting to and willing to try and take advantage of these alternative programs?

Bottom line: This true conservative does not want to see any more of his tax dollars spent underwriting the public indoctrination of any of his children and grandchildren.

John Elliott



Speaking truth in love

Thank you for the prophetic, scriptural and Christ-like articles in the Standard by Jake Raabe and Myles Werntz.

Keep up the good work with speaking the truth in love.

Julio Guarneri



Baylor: Pay the price

As a two-time Baylor graduate whose wife, daughter, father and in-laws also graduated from Baylor, I am appalled at both the horrific rapes and sexual assaults which have tainted the school. 

For the consideration of Texas Baptists and the NCAA, I offer the following: Let Baylor choose its poison. In addition to all appropriate criminal prosecutions, either accept the NCAA’s so-called “death penalty” or have every regent who was on the board while these appalling crimes occurred resign immediately.  I have no interest in having the new coaching staff and incoming players pay for the wrongdoings of others. 

Let those ultimately responsible in the administration face the consequences and pay the price of preferring athletic glory over the needs of students and the integrity of the school.  Such might cause some to believe Baylor will do more than previously announced to restore both the broken and what is left of its good name.

Steve Spivey



Baylor’s “un-Baptist” act

The final event that caused our church (Hays Hills Baptist in Buda) to leave the Baptist General Convention of Texas was the change by the board of trustees of Baylor University calling for a largely self-perpetuating board and the BGCT’s acceptance of that act.

I heard a lot of lectures back then about true Baptist principles. But what I witnessed from those same stern lecturers was the most un-Baptist act imaginable.

David Sweet



Enemies of religious freedom

Bless you for the article on Baptists’ response to President Trump’s executive order on refugee resettlement, by Ken Camp. Way too many political opinions these days are based on specious arguments that fall woefully short of American ideals or even the Golden Rule.

The scariest and most capable enemies of American democracy, and therefore religious freedom, are those who undermine our ideals and freedoms using fear and/or demagoguery. 

We should stand up—unfailingly—to those enemies, regardless of whether they are from other nations or inside our own.  U.S. Citizens should use the test of our own religious and American ideals, not fear or contempt of differences, to vet our arguments and public policy—before it’s too late.

Tim Swafford

Charleston, S.C.

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