Letters: Curiosity, listening & the gospel


Regarding your excellent editorial, A hypocrite’s guide to learning to listen, thanks for connecting the perspective of curiosity and the art of listening to the gospel of Jesus. 

As a professionally trained and certified coach, I learned early that curiosity and powerful questions are basic and indispensable tools of the trade. If Christ-followers everywhere could learn and practice this perspective and skill, we would attract people not only to ourselves, but more importantly, to the Master, Jesus. 

I am moved to read Diane Mills’ book and learn more from this woman of faith who has much to offer to our faith communities.

Tom Donaldson


Glorieta homeowners’ worst-case scenario

As a former pastor of Glorieta Baptist Church, I had a number of dealings with LifeWay Christian Resources. Most of them left me with a bad taste in my mouth. When providing Sunday school literature moved from being a service to our Southern Baptist churches to becoming a “profit” center, we opened the door to the money changers and the associated problems. 

I personally do not have a high opinion of LifeWay.  

That being said, if someone offered to sell me a house, but not the land on which the house sits, I would compare it to buying swamp land in Florida. It’s not a good idea. 

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From the beginning, Glorieta homeowners knew there was the possibility of Glorieta closing at some point. The circumstances were spelled out in their leases. To sign a lease with full knowledge of its terms and then cry foul when the worst-case scenario comes about is not reasonable either.  

It breaks my heart to see Glorieta slip through our fingers, but the handwriting has been on the wall for many years. My prayers go out to both sides, and I pray for scriptural reconciliation.

Randy Aly 


Outrage over Glorieta

I would like to express my outrage at the way the Southern Baptist Convention and LifeWay Christian Resources are treating the residents of Glorieta. There is nothing Christian about this behavior, and the world is watching! 

When they see that two “Christian” organizations are treating their own people worse than any secular organization would, what does it say to them? It certainly won’t persuade any of them to believe. 

We are supposed to be the light of the world, and a representation of Christ. This is not the way to do it. 

Kim Binkley Smith

Conway, Ark.

What’s news?

When you consider that Christians are being persecuted—and even killed—at the hands of terrorist groups overseas, is it really “news” that a former Olympic athlete (Bruce Jenner) has decided to transition from one gender to another? 

I don’t think so!

A.J. Chilson


Women should have the same rights as men

Pope Francis, says it is a “pure scandal” that women don’t earn the same salaries as men for doing the same jobs. One journalist said the pope sounds like a feminist. Francis isn’t a feminist. He appears to be a hypocrite. He doesn’t think women should have the right to become priests, bishops, cardinals or popes. He does not think women should have the exact same rights as men.

It is a pure scandal that the Roman Catholic Church, Mormon Church and other religious institutions are against equal rights for women. 

Women should have the same legal, political and religious rights as men. The Golden Rule should include women. 

Chuck Mann

Greensboro, N.C. 

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