Alaska: Children discover the gospel in the park

The first day at a park in Anchorage, we introduced kids to the Bible. We told them the Bible is God’s word, and everything in it is true. Every child who stayed for story time received a Bible that day. As soon as story time was over, a group of the children ran to a table and started reading Genesis 1. I was blown away!

brittany cox300Brittany CoxOne of the girls in that group continued to stand out since that first day. We asked for a volunteer to pray, and she prayed the sinner’s prayer. She always is excited for story time and is so interested in what we are teaching. We have had a lot of conversations about things she has read in her Bible. 

Mission Anchorage is not the only group that has missionaries doing park ministry this summer. At least one other organization I know of is doing something similar in other parks around Anchorage. One Friday, a girl and her brother went to a block party sponsored by that other group in a different park. They were having a baptism service, and she decided she wanted to be baptized. A leader at that park—a former Go Now missionary, now living in Alaska—was able to speak with her about what it means to follow Christ in this way.

It is exciting to see the way that God is using all groups here to serve him. I love knowing that the girl has a connection with strong believers who will be here long after we leave. I am praying we will see many more—including the girl’s two brothers—believe in Christ and accept him as Lord.

Brittany Cox, a student at Texas A&M-Commerce, is serving with Go Now Missions in Anchorage, Alaska.