Contagious evangelism in New York

Our purpose was to engage the people whom we encountered, hoping they would ask questions: "What are you doing?"  What are the balloons for?"


As we encountered many people in the park, we were able to tell them the balloons represented purity, and then that led into conversation about where you can find purity in the city. People were very surprised that these white balloons had such a deeper meaning. 

As a sort of spontaneous accident, I divided all 25 balloons between the team members and had them spread out through the park to have a visual of what purity would look like if it were contagious. More and more people began to ask questions about what we were doing, and children began asking for the balloons. 

The spread of the balloons reached further than we had anticipated, but it sparked something inside all of us. It made us ask ourselves, "What if Jesus was a contagious as these white balloons?"

Kimberly Suenkel, a student at the University of Texas at Arlington, is serving in New York City with the Gallery Church as a Go Now summer missionary.