New York: Saturday block party

The team serving with the Iglesia Bautista Canaan block party outreach.


I enjoy Saturdays. Every Saturday is “team day” for the interns at Metro-New York Baptist Association. The 15 of us work in different ministries and with different people groups around the city of New York. But on Saturdays, we get together to share our thoughts and experiences of the week, and we get to spend time together as family in Christ though community projects. 

alexandra granda130Alexandra GrandaOn a recent Saturday, we served at Iglesia Bautista Canaan, an Ecuadorian church, helping with a block party. Many people showed up at the event—including many who were not from the church. They had the opportunity to experience the love of Christ. There were several stations offering food and snacks, as well as a table where volunteers accepted prayer requests. Kids were excited about the games and getting their faces painted.

Several families were reached though this event. We served in different ways. We passed out evangelistic fliers around the neighborhood, helped set up games for kids and painted faces. Singers led us in Spanish/English worship, and a drama group presented skits for the community. 

nycity blockparty facepaint425Through the event, I was reminded the Lord Jesus calls each one of us to serve and love, and that includes children. Sometimes as Christians, we take for granted kids. We may think of programs for them as nonsense or even a waste of time and money, but the Lord took kids very seriously. Mark 10:13-14 reminds us of the disciples rebuking Jesus when he was receiving children to bless them. “Jesus was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these…’” 

nycity blockparty jumprope425As I interacted with little children, I realized it’s a lot more than what many of us see as babysitting. Being busy in this world with jobs/school/money takes a lot of our time. We lack the ability to be free, with no worries or earthly distractions, like children. I also able recognized loving children like the Lord has commanded builds a bridge, allowing us to connect with their parents and tell them about the Good News we have. I believe children are people of peace who can influence parents’ lives in a strong way. 

Pray for this ministry. The interns and I were amazed by the opportunity we have been given to be part of this ministry through service, love and relationships. 

Alexandra Granda, a campus missionary from the University of Texas Pan-American, is serving with Go Now Missions in New York City.

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