
Posted: 5/30/03

House prayer led by gay pastor

WASHINGTON (RNS)--For the first time, a pastor affiliated with the nation's largest primarily gay denomination has offered the opening prayer in the House of Representatives.

Steven Torrance, a police chaplain in Key West, Fla., and a pastor in the Metropolitan Community Church, offered the prayer May 1, which also was designated the National Day of Prayer.

"Help us to secure justice and equality for every human being; help us bring an end to division, and continue to build our country on peace and love," Torrance prayed in the House chambers.


Posted: 5/30/03

House prayer led by gay pastor

WASHINGTON (RNS)–For the first time, a pastor affiliated with the nation's largest primarily gay denomination has offered the opening prayer in the House of Representatives.

Steven Torrance, a police chaplain in Key West, Fla., and a pastor in the Metropolitan Community Church, offered the prayer May 1, which also was designated the National Day of Prayer.

“Help us to secure justice and equality for every human being; help us bring an end to division, and continue to build our country on peace and love,” Torrance prayed in the House chambers.

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