

Storylist for 5/3/04 issue

Texas       • Baptists      
Faith       • Departments      • Opinion       • Bible Study      
Our Front Page Articles
Nocona teens know where to go for 'soul food'

Nearly two-thirds of wired American adults surf Net for spiritual reasons

Nocona teens know where to go for 'soul food'

Nehemiah Project Making an impact

Preparation for ministry requires church/school partnership

Texas religious leaders unite to stand against legalized video slot machines

CLC staff denied access to governor's office

Baptist University of the Americas celebrates founder's day

Relief agency seeks to improve life for Nigeria

Multicultural Retreat

Upward Homes makes dreams come true, teaches stewardship

Christian leaders should maximize abilities, pastor suggests

Annuity Board staff member joins BGCT as director of information technology office

Latin American Baptist union elects Texas church starter as president

Texas, Mexico partnership produces base camp for ministry

Hispanic Preaching Conference

Convencion, CBF church-starting partnership ready for work

Elgin deacons learn to become servant leaders in congregation, community

ETBU grad, former basketball MVP, killed in action in Iraq

Ministry to people with disabilities needs lots of hugs, handshakes, smiles

First BGCT-endorsed Army chaplains complete officers' school with honors

Church van wrecks on mission trip

PFLAG community center named for retired Baylor prof

San Saba churches busy following up after evangelistic rally

On the Move

Around the State

Texas Tidbits

Number of hungry people in world increasing by 4.5 million every year

Texas hunger offering gifts rising; $750,000 goal set for 2005

New Orleans Seminary leaves sole member vote to SBC messengers

Iorg named Golden Gate Theological Seminary president

Southern Baptist churches show membership growth, but baptisms decline

Missouri convention appeals suit dismissal

Ministry focuses on indigenous leaders among Persian-speaking people

Baptist Briefs

Growing churches have deep roots, clearly defined purpose

Christians face persecution, charges of blasphemy in Muslim Pakistan

Nations choose violence because they see God on their side

Religious supporters, opponents of abortion rights rally in Washington

Supreme Court declines appeal to military school prayer case

Oregon judge halts gay marriages, instructs state registrar to record unions for benefits

Evangelical Christians–powerful or persecuted?

Human rights group ranks U.S. third in reported executions

Interfaith coalition raises concerns about plight of 44 million uninsured Americans

Nearly two-thirds of wired American adults surf Net for spiritual reasons

Most Americans want cleaner media

Two-thirds of Americans upset about moral climate of the nation, but most younger Americans are generally satisfied

American religious activity increases, makes people happier, polls indicate

Fine arts majors more spiritual than science or business majors, UCLA survey indicates


Around the State

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Texas Baptist Forum

On the Move

EDITORIAL: So what Apathy poses incalculable danger to church

DOWN HOME: We won't forget this Mom's Day

TOGETHER: Lottery slots are a bad bet for Texas

ANOTHER VIEW: What if Baptists loved each other

Texas Baptist Forum

CYBER COLUMN by John Duncan: Simple things

Mother's Day column by Brett Younger: Mother's dance

Cybercolumn by Jeanie Miley: Trust the source

LifeWay Explore the Bible Series for May 9: Paul offers words of wisdom, encouragement

LifeWay Explore the Bible Series for May 16: Qualifications for church leaders spelled out

LifeWay Family Bible Series for May 9: Marriage should mirror the love of Christ

LifeWay Family Bible Series for May 16: Children honor parents by loving their Father

See articles from previous issue 4/19/04 here.

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Send comments and feedback to Eric Black, our editor. For comments to be published, please specify “letter to the editor.” Maximum length for publication is 300 words.

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