TBM responds to Myanmar cyclone


Posted: 5/13/08

TBM responds to Myanmar cyclone

By John Hall

Texas Baptist Communications

Texas Baptist Men sent a rapid-response team to Bangkok, Thailand, in response to a devastating cyclone that hit Myanmar.

The seven-person team left the United States May 11. The team hopes to enter Myanmar—also known as Burma—as soon as possible to assess needs. Once in Myanmar, the relief volunteers will look for opportunities for follow-up teams to meet needs in the country.

 TBM team leader Dick Talley plans to stream another live video report Thursday at 8 a.m. Central Time on their progress from their staging area in Bangkok, Thailand. Watch it live on the BGCT website.

“We try to go wherever doors open and see how we can minister to people in need,” said Mickey Lenamon, Texas Baptist Men associate executive director. “That’s what Texas Baptist Men has been doing for 40 years.”

Official counts indicate nearly 23,000 people are dead following a cyclone that hit Myanmar. Another 42,000 people are missing. Some observers expect those totals to rise further as more information becomes available.

TBM responded to a request for help from Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., and The Fellowship of the Woodlands near Houston.

Baptists from Australia, Hungary and the United States also are currently in Bangkok, Thailand, awaiting visa application approval to enter Myanmar.

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 To support TBM disaster relief efforts, visit http://texasbaptistmen.org/dnn/donate_asp_1.html.

To give through the Baptist General Convention of Texas Disaster Response Fund, visit http://texasbaptistmen.org/dnn/donate_asp_1.html.

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