Review: Disrupting for Good

Kathy Hillman reviews "Disrupting for Good" by Chris Field.


Disrupting for Good: Using Passion and Persistence to Create Lasting Change

By Chris Field (Leafwood Publishing)

Everyone, no matter age or stage in life, loves a story, especially one with an inspirational ending. Texan and founder of the Mercy Project Chris Field begins Disrupting for Good: Using Passion and Persistence to Create Lasting Change with stories of ordinary people who achieved extraordinary results by disrupting their corners of the world.

Those women, men and children range from a pre-kindergartner who tackled trash in her neighborhood, to a senior adult in Los Angeles who for 56 years has provided “a refuge so children can shine,” to a team of five engineering students at Rice University who created a simple breathing machine that can increase infant survival by about 25 percent in Third World countries. The disruptors are “black, white, brown, rich, poor and everything else in between.” Not one has achieved widespread fame, but all have changed uncomfortable truths to new and better realities.

After 18 stirring narratives, Fields calls on his readers to lace up their boots and get to work. His disruption MAP includes Making a commitment, creating an Action plan, and Persisting to transformation. The author notes there will be both internal and external objections—money, busyness, family, education, age, other’s opinions, fear and self-doubt. Disrupting for Good begins as a comfortable, feel-good book that ends with an uncomfortable appeal to turn inspiration into tangible disruption. What a read! What a challenge!

Kathy Robinson Hillman, former president
Baptist General Convention of Texas


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