Board elects new treasurer, endorses Texas Hope 2010


DALLAS—The Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board at its May 20 meeting unanimously elected Jill Larsen as treasurer/chief financial officer and voted to “wholeheartedly endorse” the Texas Hope 2010 evangelism emphasis.

Larsen, a certified public accountant, has served as controller/assistant treasurer for the BGCT since July 2004.

She assumes the treasurer’s post effective June 1. She has served in an interim leadership capacity since David Nabors resigned April 15.

Directors of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board sign a poster promoting Texas Hope 2010 as a token of their pledge to support the statewide evangelism emphasis. (Photo by John Hall/BGCT)


Harold Richardson of Tyler recommended Larsen to the board on behalf of a search committee that also included BGCT Executive Director Randel Everett, Executive Board Chair John Petty and Vice Chair Steve Dominy, BGCT President Joy Fenner and board members Elizabeth Hanna of Nederland and Fred Roach of Garland.

The committee seriously considered three candidates for the position but decided Larsen was most qualified for the treasurer’s post, Richardson said.

Prior to joining the BGCT Executive Board staff, Larsen worked in Oklahoma with Deloitte Consulting Outsourcing, VIP Sales Co. and PennWell. She worked with the Southern Baptist Annuity Board from 1994 to 2000, where in her final position she led the agency’s largest operational department.

Larsen is a summa cum laude graduate of Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, and she teaches an adult Bible study class at The Heights Baptist Church in Richardson. She and her husband, Kent, have two children, Phillip, 25, and Mark, 18.

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In another matter related to financial management, the board accepted and approved the 2007 financial audit report by Grant Thornton. The auditor provided an unqualified or “clean” opinion.

During his first report to the board as executive director, Everett presented a vision centered on three words:

Share. Everett presented the Texas Hope 2010 challenge—share the gospel with every person in Texas by Easter 2010. (See related story.)

Jerry Carlisle, pastor of First Baptist Church in Plano, made a motion that the board “wholeheartedly endorse” Texas Hope 2010. At the end of the board meeting, directors signed a poster promoting the emphasis as a way to seal their pledged support.

Directors of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board sign a poster promoting Texas Hope 2010 as a token of their pledge to support the statewide evangelism emphasis. (Photo by John Hall/BGCT)


Prayer. Every effort Texas Baptists undertake must be built on a “foundation of prayer,” Everett stressed.

Care. Everett challenged Texas Baptists to commit themselves to eliminating hunger in their state and meeting human needs wherever they have the opportunity.

The Executive Board took two actions related to Baptist University of the Americas. The board approved a $166,280 gift to BUA—proceeds from the sale of about one-third of one acre to the Texas Department of Transportation to build a new pedestrian bridge over the freeway.

When the land was sold, a title search revealed the BGCT held the title to property believed to belong to BUA. When donors made contributions for the purchase of the land, they understood it would belong to the institution now known as BUA. Later, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary assumed responsibility for the school. But when the seminary relinquished its claim to the San Antonio school, the title was given to the BGCT rather than BUA.

At the recommendation of its Administration Support Committee, the Executive Board voted to authorize the title transfer to BUA.

In other business, the board:

Approved a resolution of congratulations for Wayland Baptist University for its centennial year; resolutions of appreciation for Victor Schmidt, who retires July 1 as president of San Marcos Baptist Academy, and Jan Daehnert for service as interim executive director and interim associate executive director; and a resolution of commendation for the BGCT Executive Board staff for bringing the 2008 budget into “workable and attainable spending more consistent with income projections.”

Authorized changes to the policy manual reflecting the composition of the audit committee, authorizing creation of the Hispanic Education Advisory Council and the Baptist Student Ministry Strategic Planning Team, updating guidelines for the doctoral loan program for Baptist university faculty and administrators, and revising language to reflect the closing of the counseling and psychological services office in Dallas.


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