Dallas-area pastors serve inner-city community on MLK holiday


DALLAS—About 20 Dallas-area pastors used the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday to minister to an inner-city neighborhood.

Michelle Woody, a parent of a child in the Jack and Jill program which also provided volunteers, gives direction to Tammy Disch, Dallas Baptist Association accountant, and Wanda Hall, DBA executive assistant, as they prepare to hand out hats and gloves. They participated in a day of community service on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. (PHOTOS/Courtesy of Dallas Baptist Association)

“They came out to serve hot chili to neighbors in the community around Cornerstone Baptist Church,” said Jana Jackson, director of family and community services for Dallas Baptist Association.

Several volunteer groups worked with Cornerstone Baptist in the neighborhood near Fair Park, southeast of downtown Dallas.

Pastors from throughout the association played an important part in distributing more than 2,000 bowls of chili, as well as hats and gloves, Jackson reported.

“We wanted to give our pastors a chance to serve in something that relatively easy. They didn’t have to do a lot a preparation—just show up ready to work,” Jackson said.

The event also offered pastors the opportunity to serve without bearing the responsibility of leadership, she continued.

“A lot of times at their churches, they have to be in charge. But here, they could bring their families if they wanted and just relax and enjoy serving,” Jackson explained.

The event marked the second year for the pastors to serve the community near Cornerstone and to watch the Dallas parade commemorating King’s birthday.

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Pastors helped distribute 2,000 bowls of chili during a Martin Luther King holiday mission emphasis in inner-city Dallas. (PHOTOS/Courtesy of Dallas Baptist Association)

Pastor Sammy Tabufor at Agape Baptist Christian Fellowship in Garland helped serve during a Martin Luther King Jr. day of service involving Dallas-area pastors. (PHOTOS/Courtesy of Dallas Baptist Association)

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