Dub Oliver of ETBU named Union University president


Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver, president of East Texas Baptist University since 2009, has been named president of Union University, a Baptist school in Jackson, Tenn., effective June 1.

dub oliver130Dub OliverUnion University’s board of trustees unanimously elected Oliver, 48, as the school’s 16th president Feb. 10.

“Dr. Oliver is a man of strong Christian conviction who is theologically informed, passionate about students and highly respectful of the work of faculty members,” said Norman Hill, chairman of Union’s board of trustees and the search committee that selected Oliver.

“His skills as an administrator and educator build on Union’s already established reputation for academic excellence, and we are honored and thrilled by this appointment.”

A search committee conducted a yearlong national search and considered more than 130 nominations before bringing the recommendation to elect Oliver, Hill noted.

“We are deeply humbled by this call to serve at Union University,” Oliver said, noting his appreciation for Union’s mission and core values.

“The integration of faith, learning and living has had a transformative effect on my life, and as I seek to live out my calling as an educator, I believe that Christian higher education is where we can most influence and shape young people so that the kingdom of God may be enlarged,” he said.

Praised predecessors

Oliver praised his predecessor at Union University, David Dockery, who is retiring after 18 years as president, as “a great leader for Union and for Christian higher education.”

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In an email to the ETBU campus community, Oliver wrote: “East Texas Baptist University is a special place,” and he found it difficult to consider leaving.

‘However, we desire to exercise the utmost responsiveness to God’s call, and to be willing to follow him wherever he leads,” he wrote.

“We have been blessed beyond measure by the many relationships we have formed during our time at ETBU and in Marshall. We remain confident that God will continue the many good things happening at ETBU.”

Appreciation at ETBU

David Anderson, chair of the ETBU board of trustees, expressed appreciation to Oliver for his service.

“Dr. Dub Oliver has done an outstanding job leading East Texas Baptist University,” he said. “During the past five years he has served, there have been many advances and positive accomplishments. Our prayers and deep gratitude will go with him.”

Major campus additions and improvements during Oliver’s tenure at ETBU include construction of the 32,000-square-foot Ornelas Student Center and remodeling the former student center into the Bennett Student Commons. Centennial Hall, a new 362-bed living- learning center, is under construction.

Under Oliver’s leadership, ETBU added graduate programs in education, religion, counseling and business.

Oliver, a San Antonio native, holds an undergraduate degree from Baylor University and a master’s degree in educational psychology and doctorate in educational administration from Texas A&M University.

ETBU search process

In a called board meeting Feb. 11, ETBU trustees elected a seven-member committee to search for the Marshall school’s 13th president. By university policy, the board’s chair also leads the presidential search committee.

The search committee includes three board officers, Chair David Anderson of Carthage, Vice Chair Vernon Lewis of Karnack and Secretary Susan Bush of Athens, as well as four at-large members, Hal Cornish of Marshall, D.M. Edwards of Tyler, Tom Lyles of Lindale and Ben Raimer of Galveston.

The committee will conduct a nationwide search and hopes to elect a new president by this summer, a university news release said.

“Our plan is to do a thorough search and follow God’s direction to find the best person to continue to lead our university in a positive direction,” Anderson said. “We are blessed with an excellent faculty and staff, a wonderful student body, top-notch facilities, and a compelling mission and vision.

“We look forward to attracting an outstanding Christian leader to serve as ETBU’s next president.”

The committee requested prayer for the search process and for the leadership transition at ETBU.

Previous service

Before being elected ETBU president, he served as vice president for student life at Baylor University. His previous positions at Baylor included dean for student development, associate dean for campus life and director of student activities.

Oliver is former pastor of Canaan Baptist Church in Crawford. Before he entered graduate school, he taught third grade in the Fort Worth Independent School District.

Oliver and his wife, Susie, have one daughter, Callie, who is a senior at Baylor.

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