Ministry to one child a day leads mother to faith in Christ

About 90 volunteers from Bell Baptist Association ministered in Galveston. (Photo: Adrienne Piedra, Bell Baptist Association)


GALVESTON—Kacie Hill learned firsthand God breathes life into hopeless situations.

Hill, a summer missionary, and about 90 volunteers from Bell Baptist Association spent a week in Galveston facilitating several evangelistic outreach events.

galveston puppets400Mission volunteers from Bell Baptist Association spent a week in Galveston facilitating several evangelistic outreach events called Street Camps— a series of Vacation Bible School-style activities in a public park. (Photo: Adrienne Piedra, Bell Baptist Association)Hill prayed God would bless the Street Camps—“Vacation Bible School in a park”— where she worked for a portion of her time in Galveston.

In preparation for each day of ministry, volunteers read a devotional, Hill noted, adding one verse—Matthew 18:5—became the theme of her week. It reads, “And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”

That’s exactly what happened.

Each day, only one child from one family—and not always the same sibling—attended the Street Camp.

Disappointing at first

“At first, it was disappointing,” she said. “The other park (site of another Street Camp) had 30 kids. We had one little family.”

Even so, the volunteers remained positive, Hill said, and the verse in Matthew continued to inspire them.

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“That verse really spoke to me that week,” she said.

Volunteers met a few members of the family, which meant the outreach extended beyond one child.

“It was all worth it,” she said. “On the last day, his mother accepted Christ.”

Ministry at a children’s hospital

In addition to helping with the street camp, Hill visited a children’s hospital and served lunch alongside the Texas Baptist Men—a special experience despite a language barrier.

“I don’t know any Spanish,” she said. “It was interesting to go and love on those kids like that. I was playing air hockey with one little girl, and it was so fun, even though we couldn’t communicate.”

Volunteer Belvia Stevenson from Red Sea Baptist Church in Killeen also sensed God at work on the mission trip. She helped at the other Street Camp.

“I think we got a trust level with the kids,” she said. “I was encouraged to see that we are making a difference.”

She enjoyed sharing the gospel in her home state with the associational group.

“I love the idea that we can come together and do something in Texas,” she said. “Everybody needs Jesus. Right here, there are people that need to hear about Jesus.”

Importance of prayer

During the trip, God taught her the importance of prayer, she added.

“Sometimes we force things rather than spending time in prayer,” she said. “It’s not about consulting him. It’s about me seeking his face so he can guide me.”

Working with church groups such as the volunteers from Bell Baptist Association gives local missions coordinator David Phillips a larger sense of Christian community.

“I’m amazed at the connections. You know that Christ is in them,” he said.

He encourages all Christians to know God can use them, no matter their situation.

“All of us are given different gifts,” Phillips said. “Each of us has a function to fulfill in the body of Christ.”

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