Christians attacked in eastern India

Christians are under attack in the state of Orissa in eastern India, where more than 600 churches have been demolished, 4,000 Christians forced to flee from their villages, and at least 25 killed as a result of violent persecution, Baptist World Alliance officials reported.


WASHINGTON (BWA)—Christians are under attack in the state of Orissa in eastern India, where more than 600 churches have been demolished, 4,000 Christians forced to flee from their villages, and at least 25 killed as a result of violent persecution, Baptist World Alliance officials reported.

“Unfortunate events have taken place in Orissa in recent days. These began with the senseless killing of Hindu Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati. … I am disappointed by the false claim that Christians have responsibility for this murder, and I am saddened by the atrocities being visited on Christians in Orissa,” Baptist World Alliance General Secretary Neville Callam said.

Vishwa Hindu Parishad religious leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and four of his associates were murdered in the Kandhamal District of Orissa Aug. 23.  Although a Maoist group claimed responsibility for the murders, supporters of the slain leader claim that Christians were behind the killings. Hindu fundamentalists have launched a series of attacks against Christians in retaliation.  

Since Aug. 24, churches, schools and other institutions, prayer rooms, and homes of Christians have been ransacked and burned.  Christians have been assaulted, and reportedly at least 25 have been killed—some burned alive or cut into pieces.

In an Aug. 26 e-mail to the BWA, Swarupananda Patra, General Secretary of the All Orissa Baptist Churches Federation, said “All Christian villages (are) empty in Kandhamal as Christians, old and young, sick and pregnant mothers (are) hiding in forests exposed to the non-stop monsoon rains without food.”

Kandhamal is the hardest hit, with at least eight Christians killed and almost all Christian homes demolished, he reported, but Christians in the districts of Balasore, Bargarh, and Kalahandi are also experiencing severe persecution.

P. Ramesh Kumar, Principal of the Balasore Technical School, reported to the BWA on Aug. 25: “We are all under immense danger and threat from these groups. … Please continue to uphold us in your prayer particularly for the safety of Christian brothers and sisters who are now hiding themselves in jungles.”

“I appeal to the governing authorities in India to intervene to save the lives of the many who are being victimized in the current crisis,” Callam said. “Respect for the principle of religious liberty and the sacredness of human life requires nothing less.  I also appeal to all Baptists worldwide to pray God’s protection for our brothers and sisters in Orissa.”

Patra also appealed for prayer.  “Now we have no request except prayer from our Baptist world as we do not know how to face tomorrow.”

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This is not the first time Christians in Orissa have experienced violent attacks.  In December 2007, Hindu militants burned about 90 churches and 600 homes, killing 10 people.

Several Baptist conventions and unions in Orissa state are member bodies of the BWA, with total membership in Orissa of nearly 500,000 baptized believers and about 3,500 churches.

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