Editorial: Celebrate our organizations by supporting them


Our forebears, and some reading this, had the foresight many years ago to establish God-called organizations to meet needs beyond what we have the individual capacity to meet.

These organizations were established to meet particular needs and were built to stand the test of time, and many of them have. We celebrate these organizations. If we want them to continue meeting needs beyond what we can meet individually, we must support them.

Celebrating organizations

Texas Baptists should celebrate our many organizations. We can start by celebrating they have local, regional, statewide, national and global reach.

We celebrate them in the Baptist Standard by sharing their good news and announcements in our Around the State column. We also celebrate them through news reports of their work in Texas and around the world.

For example, as a set of wildfires in mid-February burned more than 1 million acres across the Texas Panhandle, Texans on Mission—historically known as TBM—responded and is still there. Texas Baptists are right to celebrate the ministry of Texans on Mission.

When Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, Baptist World Alliance already had been there to show support and returned during the war to demonstrate continuing support. Texans on Mission has partnered with BWA in relief efforts during the war.

Texas Baptists are right to celebrate this worldwide ministry and the cooperative work among Baptist organizations.

When lawmakers are deciding on policy that affects the wellbeing of an entire state—and are being pressured by deep-pocketed lobbyists—Texas Baptists’ Christian Life Commission is in the Texas Capitol with lawmakers, advocating for God-honoring policy.

Texas Baptists are right to celebrate the CLC’s efforts toward justice.

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These are just three organizations with Texas Baptist ties. This doesn’t count the two additional partner ministries not already named above, 14 educational organizations, nine human care organizations, two financial organizations, one news organization—Baptist Standard Publishing—and 30 camps connected in some way to Texas Baptists and the BGCT.

Nor does this count the thousands of local churches, the 95 local Baptist associations, and many God-called organizations serving throughout Texas, the nation and the world.

Texas Baptists are right to celebrate having a full complement of organizations for such a time as this.

Many ways to support

One great way to celebrate these organizations is to support them. Support isn’t always money. Support takes many forms.

I used the phrase “God-called organizations” above to qualify what organizations we celebrate and support. God’s call is foundational to every Christian organization.

What is God’s call for the organization(s) you celebrate? Is there an opportunity for you to be part of helping that organization discern God’s call and constructively help that organization follow God’s call more closely? If so, support them through that opportunity.

Prayer is powerful support. In fact, when Ukrainian Baptists asked us as individuals to support them, they asked us to pray for them.

We can pray for God’s continued guidance, material and spiritual provision, strength, wisdom and fruitfulness for those organizations called by God. I would say we can pray for free, but the truth is, we may need to be the answer to our own prayers, and that might not come cheap.

The most obvious form of support is money. It’s the form for which we’re most accustomed to being asked. We do need to give money to at least one God-called organization. And when we do, we have every right to expect accountability for that money from the organization to which we give it. Accountability done well can be another occasion for celebration and support.

Organizations need discerning accountability that enables them to be their best selves operating under best practices. Discerning accountability should strengthen God-called organizations by evaluating how well they are carrying out God’s call.

Yes, boards of directors or trustees serve this accountability function in a legal sense, but donors, volunteers, recipients and the larger community all have a role in keeping a God-called organization accountable.

Speaking of volunteers, every God-called organization needs people who will give their time and talent to it. Even if a person can’t give money, a person can give time. Giving of ourselves to a God-called organization often generates new cause for celebration.

Who to support

There is much work to do in our world to address injustice, suffering and the spiritual lostness that gives rise to so much of it. Our full complement of God-called organizations enables us to meet the world where it is in Jesus’ name and to proclaim his good news to it in word and deed.

If you’re not sure what organization to support first, start with your church. If you’re not part of a church, deal with the reason(s) why and find a church to commit to. Commitment means giving your time, talent and money.

Learn about organizations in your community that provide things like job training, clothing, food, pregnancy and post-pregnancy support, human trafficking intervention and other human care services.

Click or tap here for a list of organizational ministry partners of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Each one needs support.

Eric Black is the executive director, publisher and editor of the Baptist Standard. He can be reached at [email protected]. The views expressed are those of the author.

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Send comments and feedback to Eric Black, our editor. For comments to be published, please specify “letter to the editor.” Maximum length for publication is 300 words.

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