Texas Baptist Forum

Texas Baptist Forum


God bless America

All my life, I heard if people will humble themselves and turn back to God that God would hear and once again bless our nation. So, I was extremely happy when finally an elected official called for a prayer rally (in Houston, Aug. 6), only to be so terribly disappointed with the attitudes of so many Christian people.

I know many people thought it was politically motivated. I don't think it was, but that doesn't matter. The Bible says, "When two or three or gathered together in my name, I will hear and answer."

Is it any wonder our nation is suffering? I used to think it was unsaved people who were trying to take God out of our country. Now, I have my doubts. Out of 50 governors invited, only two responded. I was so thrilled that 30,000-plus attended, and I have prayed that God would bless each one in a special way.

Joyce Youngblood


Wasted decade

Ten years ago, planes struck the Twin Towers, killing 2,600 people and throwing America into a war frenzy that has left the Middle East in the flames of revolution and America on the brink of political and economic ruin.

Why? Because the church in America has wasted 10 years of opportunity in hatred of the enemy instead of preaching and practicing what Jesus Christ taught us to do—pray for and do good to the people who do evil to us.

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We armed the sons of the church and sent them out covered by our prayers to wreak havoc in Afghanistan and Iraq, to spread the war to Pakistan, and to seek out Osama bin Laden in his hiding place there and kill him. Then our intrepid killers returned to receive the highest honors America can bestow on men. They have been described as "the best of the best."

Now, our own nation is crumbling like the towers, and the church is desperate because of the loss of members and because people don't attend the worship services where the gospel of love and forgiveness is not preached but where the daily sacrifice is offered up to the god of war.

There are many words of praise to Jesus Christ, but we do not do the works of peace he commanded.

Henry A. Buchanan


God is calling women

"ETBU graduates travel country in a van, spreading the gospel"  is a wonderful story about these two young women who travel across the country preaching the gospel. It is a dangerous situation these women have undertaken. Baptists have always sent young women to dangerous foreign fields, and now we applaud them when they strike out on their own in their home country. 

We should be ashamed of our holy selves.  We won't make a place for them in our churches, because we reserve those safe places for our young men. But the call to ministry is so great that women will answer that call in any way they can. 

God is calling women.  Why won't we?

Shirley Taylor


Another giant is gone

My favorite Southern Baptist poet is gone—Ross Coggins, author of the hymn, "Send Me, O Lord, Send Me."

A Wichita Falls native, Ross went on from Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to do student work for the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Then, in 1955, he journeyed to Indonesia as a missionary.

His work before retirement was with U.S. federal government aid agencies in Rome and the Caribbean, among other places. His 1976 poem about how lightly the rich nations treat the poor nations, "The Development Set," can be read on the Internet. It is satire at its best.

Another of the giants like Foy Valentine and Charles Wellborn will be greatly missed.

Britt Towery

San Angelo

What do you think? Send letters to Editor Marv Knox by mail: P.O. Box 660267, Dallas 75266-0267; or by e-mail: [email protected].




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