Texas Baptist Forum

Texas Baptist Forum


Disappointed in bias

I am so disappointed the Baptist Standard would allow political bias and untruths to grace its pages, such as “Being upset is now all the rage” by Tom Ehrich (April 12).

Ehrich suggests Tea Party members are unpatriotic radicals. I assume Ehrich would have sided with the British rather than the original tea party members. He rants against Sarah Palin, using the word “cross-hairs,” suggesting inciting violence. Has Ehrich ever heard the political terms “battleground” and “in their sights” and the television news program Crossfire?

Ehrich states as fact that a black congressman was spat upon, but still no evidence has surfaced to support the accusation. I suggest Ehrich come up with the evidence he must have and collect the $100,000 reward offered for any such evidence.

Yet Ehrich fails to mention eggs and insults hurled at Tea Party members at a recent rally in Sen. Harry Reid’s hometown. By the way, there is documentation of such incidents.

Where was Ehrich when President Bush was called a liar and hung in effigy? Where was Ehrich in 1998, when actor Alec Baldwin talked about stoning U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde?

I would suggest Ehrich spend his energy exposing the members of Westboro Baptist Church and who they really are, but I’m sure he probably believes they are expressing their freedom of speech and doing the work of the Lord.

F.A. Taylor


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Disgusted with actions

As a reader and a youth pastor, the subject of homosexuality within the church seems to be getting more and more exposure. After reading the article on Royal Lane Baptist Church (March 29), I have have become disgusted with the way our Christian brothers and sisters are acting.

I agree that homosexuality is a sin and that those who are knowingly living in sin—any sin—should not be in leadership positions. My concern is the recent actions by the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Southern Baptist Convention hammering churches for the slightest notion of homosexuality.

The 1996 charter that was quoted in the article spoke of all sexual sin, but yet as churches, we turn the other way when the issue is an affair within the ranks or premarital sex. If we as churches do decide to take action, it is left up to the church to handle.

If we are going to go around and ask churches to stop using or associating with the BGCT or SBC because of homosexuality, then we should ask every church that has people living in sin to do the same. Somehow, I do not feel many churches would be left.

We are all broken people. We all need the grace of God to fall upon us. If we want to change people’s lives, we must let them in and teach them. I just don’t want us Christians to pick and choose which sin is “worthy” of discipline. If we continue to do this, we will lose contact with those who really need to hear and see Jesus’ teachings lived out.

Seth Pitman



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