In Touch: Welcome Pastor Day


Hello, Texas Baptists! On Sept. 5, your Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board staff received 50 pastors from around the state for “Welcome Pastor Day!” here at your Baptist Building. It was a great time for all of us, and I appreciate the leadership of Joe Loughlin and our Connections Team in planning and managing this special day. Our next one is set for Jan. 28. Please encourage your pastor to come be a part of a wonderful time. For information, write to [email protected].

hardage david130David HardageI want to thank Brad Herridge for allowing me to tell about our Texas Baptist ministry at Bosqueville Baptist Church in Waco. He has served there faithfully 10 years and is a good friend. Kathleen and I were blessed by the warm hospitality of this great church.

I recently had the joy of talking about our Texas Baptist work and the Mary Hill Davis Offering for State Missions at College Heights Baptist Church in Plainview. They are without a pastor, but Paul Sadler from Wayland Baptist University is providing wonderful interim pastor service, and Gary Yates, their minister of education, is providing good leadership. Gary is a fellow Lamesa High School graduate, so you know he is doing a good job!

While in Plainview, I enjoyed a good visit with Tim Marrow, pastor of First Baptist Church  there. Being from West Texas, I always enjoy my opportunities to be back and visit with pastors and churches.

Thanks to Kelly Russell, pastor of First Baptist Church in Vernon, for allowing me to preach to a wonderful and familiar church. My grandfather was a deacon there for many years, and my uncle, Mike Hardage, still is a faithful member. It was a real blessing for me to share again a Sunday morning with these great people.

Jim Brown has faithfully served Monterey Baptist Church in Lubbock 21 years. He was kind to invite me to speak to the volunteer thank-you banquet. The congregation’s staff cooked dinner for more than 100 church volunteers as a way of saying thanks for a job well done. This church is blessed to have servant leaders in their pastor and staff.

Coming up Oct. 4-5 is your Texas Baptist Ministry to Refugees Summit . As Texas continues to grow and diversify, the importance of this conference cannot be overstated. I hope you will join us.

More next time. God bless you all, and thanks for the opportunity to serve.

David Hardage is executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board.

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