Quotes in the News

Out Loud


“Christmas leads to Calvary. Jesus came to pay our debt, making possible a right relationship with our righteous, pure and holy God. He came to transform us by the miracle of his grace so that the lion and the lamb might lie down together inside our hearts and homes. He came to be our Prince of Peace.”

Jim Denison

Author, president of the Center for Informed Faith and theologian-in-residence for the Baptist General Convention of Texas (ABP)


“Demanding that store clerks cheerily proclaim ‘Merry Christmas’ as they ring up your power tools and iPod does precious little to put the Christ-child back in Christmas.”

Rachel Campos-Duffy

(View from the Home Front/parentdish.com)


“Tonight, we celebrate a story that is as beautiful as it is simple. The story of a child born far from home to parents guided only by faith, but who would ultimately spread a message that has endured for more than 2,000 years—that no matter who we are or where we are from, we are each called to love one another as brother and sister.”

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Barack Obama

Lighting the National Christmas Tree in Washington (RNS)


“America is facing an adultery epidemic, with surveys showing an estimated 20 to 25 percent of people stray regularly from their marital vows, and as many as 50 percent cheat at least once.”

Tom Ehrich

Author of Just Wondering, Jesus and founder of the Church Wellness Project (RNS)


“People love a good comeback story.”

Ted Haggard

Disgraced evangelical leader, who has started a new prayer meeting in his Colorado home (Associated Press/RNS)



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