Colliding particles

Life is a lot like matter. Matter is a lot like life.


Matter consists of two or more particles that happen to travel close enough to each other to be drawn to the other’s electromagnetic field. Matter cannot exist unless particles are electromagnetically drawn together and form a stable bond. If matter tries to stick with particles with which it is not compatible, the bond will break—most likely in an explosion.

Matter is like life. The pieces all have to be just right and wait to collide at the perfect moment. That’s been my experience.

God led me to the University of Texas so I could join the BSM. God led me to the UT BSM so I could learn about Go Now. God led me to Go Now so I could plug into missions. He hid my passport from my eyes so I could not get out of the country this year. God led me to a certain page in the trip manuals that described Give Kids the World. God led me to the international ministry that I thirst for, even though it was in the United States. God has taken each area of my life and used it to lead me to his glorious plan.

I have grown to love the people of Orlando and its surrounding areas with a passion I know must be of God. In this city, I can see a need and thirst for the grace of our King. I see a group of internationals who cannot be reached if one travels to their country. I see locals burnt out by the tourism and wanting peace from the hustle and bustle. I see God reconciling all the seemingly conflicting desires he has put in my heart. I see God, and he is more beautiful than I could ever imagine.

My life has been full of events—particles—that have floated around in the space of time, waiting for the right moment to collide and create matter. This matter makes up my life, the life God has planned for me. His ways are not my ways, and his thoughts are not mine, either. Each particle I have intentionally tried to attach to has not matched up. As in science, the bond was volatile and did not last. In fact, the breaking of the bond was often a painful event. But when I have waited on God’s timing and let him create the bonds that are needed, they are permanent and stable.

For 19 years, I have been in Texas, and Orlando has been in Florida. Though the bond between the location and me was needed, at any other time I would not have been ready for it. God allowed to me to float about until his timing came to collide and form and inseparable bond with this city for which my heart aches.

I encourage you to let God be the master scientist. Don’t seek bonds with particles that are not for your most stable existence. Wait, because when the time is right the perfect particles will collide.
Mayzie Evers, a student at the University of Texas in Austin, served with Go Now Missions at Give Kids the World resort in the Orlando, Fla., area as part of ROCK Ministries.


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