In Kenya, change of plans according to God’s design

students on mission


I had what I thought was a really cool message prepared about being transformed or something like that. But as I was going up to speak, God told me to speak on Psalm 118:8—“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” 


I had no idea why I was supposed to speak on that, but after chapel, a guy named Silvanas stopped me and wanted to talk.  His life has been amazing. I can say that now because it has all led up to that moment we talked. So many things had happened to him. He even attempted suicide, but people saved him.  He didn’t trust anyone—not even God. 

I told him, “God loves you.” 

He said, “If God loves me, then why did he allow all this to happen to me?”

I was able to use my own past—how I asked God so many times: “Why did all this stuff happen to me? Why did God allow that? Why did I have to go through those things?” 

While I was talking to him, God showed me yet another reason. It was so I could speak to Silvanas at that moment. He accepted Christ! God saved him! 

We went to one of the teachers and told him what Silvanas had just done. He agreed to help disciple him and set up an appointment the next day to talk. I gave him several verses to read that night. I can’t explain how amazing it was to see God move like that.

Andrew Lancaster, a student at Wayland Baptist University, served in Kenya with Go Now Missions.

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