South Asia: Grateful to serve where God is moving

Go Now Missions student workers prayer-walk the streets of a slum in South Asia daily and tell people the story of Jesus. (Go Now Missions photos)


Each day of our great adventure here in South Asia, we wake up to prayer-walk and do evangelism in the slums from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The people here are so friendly and willing to talk.

South Asia Slum 250On our second day of going out in the slums, we met a lady who said we could pray with her, and then she let us share the Good News with her. She listened politely but was not interested. While we were talking to her, however, the woman who lived next door popped her head out her door and waved for us to come in. We went in with our translator and found out that this woman had come from a Muslim background. Her husband had been a Hindu but now believed in Jesus. She said that a little while ago, she had a dream in which a man in a white robe holding God’s word spoke to her. When she told her husband about it, he told her that was Jesus, and she said from that moment she believed in Jesus.

What she said next was what really got me. She told us she could not read, so she had never heard the story of Jesus and asked me to share it with her. I was awestruck. This woman had never heard the Good News, and yet she saw Jesus in a dream and she believed. I was so humbled to have the privilege of sharing the story of Jesus with this woman. She had many questions about Bible stories that she had heard about but never read. I got to go through each one with her and tell her about God’s word. She told us she had added Jesus to the other gods she believed in. But when we explained there was only one God, she said she was ready to put her full faith in Jesus, and she prayed to receive him. Praise the Lord! We have another sister! And another praise is that our translator has access to an audio Bible, and we will take this to the woman and her husband. God is moving here in South Asia, and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of it.

Caitlin is a student at the University of Texas at Arlington, serving through Go Now Missions in South Asia.  Her last name is withheld due to security reasons.

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