Voices: Shine the transformative power of faith

Brenda Rincones addressing 2024 Shine Conference. (Photo courtesy of Yamileth Guzman)


The Shine Girls Conference, a two-day statewide event, stands as a light of hope in a world filled with challenges and uncertainties. Founded on the principles of faith, community and love, Shine has emerged as a transformative force, igniting hearts and minds with the light of God’s truth.

For Brenda Rincones, the visionary behind Shine, the journey began with a stirring in her spirit—a call to reach out to the younger generation and inspire them to live passionately for Christ.

Brenda’s eyes were opened to the pressing need for engaging young girls in the journey of faith during the centenary celebration of Union Femenil Misionera. She knew something had to change. Thus, the seed of Shine was planted—a seed nurtured by prayer, faith and a deep desire to make a difference in the lives of young girls across Texas.

The genesis of Shine was marked by pivotal moments that stirred Brenda’s heart and underscored the urgency of the mission. Watching a livestream of a youth camp, Brenda was struck by the sight of a crowded stage after an altar call for those struggling with suicidal thoughts. Among the throng, she glimpsed a familiar face—a friend’s daughter from church.

The realization these were not nameless faces but children from their own churches grappling with despair and hopelessness weighed heavily on Brenda’s heart. It was a wake-up call—a call to action to provide support, encouragement and spiritual guidance to those who need it most.

Love and empowerment

Through activities like “Stand Up For Your Sister,” Shine confronts the pervasive feelings of fear, loneliness and sadness that afflict many young Latina girls. The pandemic only made these challenges worse, amplifying the trauma experienced by Hispanic families.

In response, Shine stands as a source of hope, delivering the message of love, forgiveness and empowerment to those who need it most.

Attendees of 2024 Shine Conference. Yamileth Guzman on far left. (Photo courtesy of Yamileth Guzman)

Commitment to the Latina community is central to Shine’s mission. Recognizing the unique vulnerabilities and underserved needs of minority girls, Shine provides a safe space for validation, connection and healing.

Through workshops, discussions and mentorship programs, girls learn to build healthy, nontoxic relationships and feel supported and protected in their journey of faith.

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A movement

Shine is more than a conference. It’s a movement fueled by the passion and dedication of adult women who play a critical role in shaping the experiences of younger attendees. Their presence serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith-filled community, inspiring younger generations to embrace their identity as cherished daughters of God.

As Psalm 102:18 reminds us, our actions today shape the legacy of tomorrow. Shine Girls Conference stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith, community and love to transform lives and ignite a movement that will continue for generations to come.

As we look to the future, let us uphold Shine’s mission in prayer, trusting in God’s faithfulness to guide and sustain this vital ministry for his glory.


The impact of Shine extends far beyond the confines of its conference walls.

“I had the most amazing experience at Shine. … I thank God for allowing me to share this experience with my mom, family, and friends. I am loved. I am forgiven. I am CHOSEN!” Makayla Rodriguez wrote about Shine.

“His promises never fail, and I’ve got stories I live to tell. My first SHINE conference with my girls! Definitely an experience of a lifetime. I don’t have enough words to explain the goodness God has done in our lives and will continue to do” Joanie Rios, a mother of three girls, wrote.

“Attending SHINE was an incredibly inspirational experience for me. Being surrounded by other women and girls who share the same faith and desire to uplift each other was truly uplifting. … Sharing my testimony and being able to encourage other women with it was a blessing,” Cara Arevalo wrote.

Shine’s vision

At the heart of Shine lies a simple yet profound vision: to inspire future generations to praise the Lord through our actions today, as we strive to reach the current generation for Christ. Anchored in the belief Jesus is the ultimate path to salvation and the very essence of truth and life, our foundation is unwavering.

The Shine Girls Conference stands as a testament to the transformative power of faith, community and love to uplift and empower the next generation. As we celebrate the impact of this vital ministry, let us continue to uphold Shine in prayer, trusting in God’s faithfulness to guide and sustain its mission for his glory.

Upon recognizing the need, Brenda decided to act on what she believed to be God’s steadfast calling alongside her husband Jesse Rincones, executive director of the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas (Convención), as well as their children. Their family has been a vital support for the ministry.

The Lord has been faithful, and to this day, God has raised up leaders in every city who have committed to being part of the Shine Girls Conference, continuing to minister to hundreds of young girls each year.

What need are you and I seeing? When will we decide to act on what God is calling us to do? Can you imagine all the lives that would be impacted if we started to respond to the calling God has placed on our lives?

Yamileth Guzmán is a student at Baptist University of the Américas. The views expressed are those of the author.

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