Clarendon crusade makes eternal impact on community, residents testify_110104

Posted: 10/29/04

Clarendon crusade makes eternal
impact on community, residents testify

CLARENDON--Donley County may claim a population of only 3,200 people, but more than 600 recently made spiritual decisions during a five-night crusade.

The Go Tell GreenBelt Crusade saw 349 people make first-time professions of faith in Jesus Christ at the Clarendon football stadium.

Crusade Chairman Eddie Helms, a deacon at First Baptist Church in Clarendon, worked on crusade planning and preparation for more than a year.


Posted: 10/29/04

Clarendon crusade makes eternal
impact on community, residents testify

CLARENDON–Donley County may claim a population of only 3,200 people, but more than 600 recently made spiritual decisions during a five-night crusade.

The Go Tell GreenBelt Crusade saw 349 people make first-time professions of faith in Jesus Christ at the Clarendon football stadium.

Crusade Chairman Eddie Helms, a deacon at First Baptist Church in Clarendon, worked on crusade planning and preparation for more than a year.

Helms, who enlisted more than 200 committee workers, said: “The crusade was the most thrilling thing we've ever experienced in Donley County. Our churches came together across denominational lines in a spirit of unity and cooperation to love and reach people, and we will continue what the crusade started.”

His pastor, Truman Ledbetter, has been praying for revival in the area almost 18 years.

“God answered our prayers,” Ledbetter said. “Nothing like this has ever happened in our community.

"Words are so inadequate to describe the mighty outpouring of God's Spirit on so many. We are rejoicing in what God has done and in this great harvest that has eternal consequences. "Our community will not just be changed for weeks or months, but for years to come."

Darrell Burton, pastor of Martin Baptist Church in Clarendon, said he and his family always will remember the crusade.

“I was blown away seeing the hearts of so very many people touched and changed by the power of God,” he said.

“I can't begin to tell what it did for me personally, as a pastor, as a believer, and as a member of this community.

“I will especially cherish one moment forever, in fact, for all eternity. It was the moment my 9-year-old daughter raised her hand to be saved.”

Evangelist Rick Gage and the crusade team visited local schools, speaking to issues such as drugs, alcohol abuse and teen suicide.

Jay Lowder, staff evangelist with the crusade team, spoke to 40 basketball players from Clarendon College at the invitation of their coach. Thirty-one of the 40 athletes indicated a desire to give their lives to Jesus Christ at the end of his talk.

Excited people throughout the community are quick to talk about what God did in the lives of friends and loved ones.

"I have a good friend for whom I had been praying for many, many years," said James Thomas of First Baptist Church. "Wednesday night of the crusade, he surrendered his life to the Lord. I couldn't believe it.

“He hugged me and cried, then looked me straight in the eye and said: 'God has changed my life. For so long, I've done wrong, but now I have a chance to do things right.' It is just a miracle.”

One 72-year-old man reportedly asked a counselor, “Do you really want to deal with this hard-hearted old buzzard?”

He proceeded to make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ.

In some cases, entire families came to faith in Christ as a result of the revival.

Gage said he was thrilled to be able to preach in even small communities like Clarendon.

“God has burdened my heart to take the gospel to as many towns as possible in my lifetime,” he said.

“As a native Texan, however, Texas is especially dear to me. I consider it an honor to preach in my home state, and I give God the glory for every life that has been touched and transformed by his power.”

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