Faith films still not flooding big screen


Posted: 3/14/08

Faith films still not flooding big screen

By Kim Lawton

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly

LOS ANGELES (RNS)—This year’s batch of Academy Awards nominees for Best Picture portrayed some complex moral dilemmas: A pregnant teen figuring out what to do; a lawyer in an ethical crisis; a Western saga overwhelmed by evil; a romance doomed by lies; a clash between an oil man and a greedy evangelist.

But except for the unsavory clergyman in There Will Be Blood and maybe the title Atonement, there’s little explicit treatment of religion.

Mel Gibson (right) directs Jim Caviezel in his portrayal of Jesus for The Passion of the Christ. Movie executives have been chasing “Passion dollars” since the 2004 motion picture became a megahit worldwide, taking in more than half a billion dollars. (RNS photo/Philippe Antonello/Courtesy Icon Distribution Inc.)

In 2004, Mel Gibson’s controversial movie The Passion of the Christ took in more than half a billion dollars.

Film studios began looking for the next big hit to rake in what became known as the “Passion dollars.”

“Hollywood discovered there was money to be made off of those pesky Christians,” said religious author and broadcaster Dick Staub.

Amid the widespread perception that Hollywood finally had found religion, numerous new projects were launched. But four years later, faith-based blockbusters are still not flooding the big screen.

“What people in Hollywood hoped was that they would find a formula that would be a cash cow, kind of printing money off the backs of religious people. It hasn’t turned out that way so far,” Staub said.

Evangelicals in particular had long felt shut out by Hollywood. Many were thrilled in September 2006, when 20th Century Fox launched a new division, Fox Faith. The announcement was greeted with the expectation of many new movies for Christians.

Fox executive vice president of home entertainment, Simon Swart, said his company wanted to target what he calls an “underserved” segment of the market.

“What this initiative was about was releasing and distributing films that reflected back Judeo-Christian values (and) weren’t necessarily evangelical or preachy, but basically great story telling that reflected those values,” Swart said.

Since 2006, Fox Faith has focused on acquiring already-produced projects to release for video sale and rental. Some have overt faith themes, but many are marketed as “family-friendly.”

There have been few original productions. Many Fox Faith films have not done well at the box office, although they’ve been more successful on DVD.

Several Fox Faith projects have been based on bestselling Christian books, such as the popular Love Comes Softly romance series and Saving Sarah Cain. Sarah Cain wasn’t released in theaters; it debuted on the Lifetime cable network and was then released in January on DVD.

Swart acknowledged Fox Faith is re-evaluating whether even to attempt future releases in theaters.

“There’s so much competition for every screen out there, and you’re really competing with the mainline pictures,” he said. “And that’s really risky because … it’s very hard to get that money back again.”

Critics say it comes down to the resources Fox is willing to commit.

“Generally to make a good film, you’ve got to spend money,” said Staub. “Fox Faith has not spent good money. Therefore, they’re not making good films. Therefore, they’re not successful.”

Some film insiders raise concerns about labeling. Last year’s The Ultimate Gift was a heart-warming lessons-about-life story with big-name actors who were not aware they were part of a “Christian” movie.

The producers later questioned whether the Fox Faith label scared off a mainstream audience.

Even veteran insiders are seeing how tough it is to make a good faith-related film, with or without big studio backing.

David Kirkpatrick, former president of Paramount Pictures, is an evangelical who co-founded a Christian entertainment company called Good News Holdings.

“Historically, there really hasn’t been, in the past 50 years, a platform for Christians in the areas of movies, but (the situation) gives those who really want to try to make a difference and create an alternative voice an opportunity,” he said.

One of Good News’ first projects was a film adaptation of novelist Anne Rice’s Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, about Jesus at age 7. With Rice’s blessing, they hired actors and were doing readings of the script.

The project quietly was scrapped last year.

Other Good News movie projects apparently also were put on hold. No one answers the phone at the old corporate number. The website hasn’t been updated in months.

Kirkpatrick, who’s now working on a reality TV project in Plymouth, Mass., declined to comment.

Many observers say a big part of the problem is a lingering disconnect between the Hollywood establishment and religion.

“People in Hollywood have no clue how religious people, conservative religious people, think. Therefore, they have no idea how to green-light a film that would actually make sense to religious people,” said Staub.

Fox’s Swart countered: “I think it actually goes back the other way, also. I don’t think the church quite understands Hollywood. And Hollywood’s very much for profit.”

Swart said he frequently is approached by Christian filmmakers who propose new projects with an overt faith message.

“It’s very powerful, but I would ask them the question who will pay $10 to see this,’“ Swart said.

But despite the fits and starts, filmmakers and studios alike say they remain committed to exploring faith-related movies on many fronts.

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