Thank God

The only thing "wrong" with this Thanksgiving weekend is it doesn't last all year long.


Gratitude is the catalyst for other noble virtues.  A grateful heart seems inordinately inclined to experience a myriad of positive emotions—from love, to joy, to empathy, to optimism, and on and on. This hypothesis is proved in both the positive (grateful people usually experience all of these) and the negative (stingy/selfish people experience few of them).

The great thing about gratitude is that it's self-generative. You may not feel particularly grateful, but if you start counting your blessings, you'll soon fill up with thankfulness.

Don't believe me? Try it. This Thanksgiving weekend, spend 10 minutes (OK, even five minutes should do) thanking God for your blessings. Don't ask for anything. Don't confess anything. Don't even praise God. Simply thank God.Then describe the change this small practice makes in your life.

This year, among a zillion other blessings, I'm thankful for:

My wife, Joanna, who happens to be my soulmate, best friend, encourager, comedian, and the love of my life.

Our daughters, Lindsay and Molly, and their husbands, Aaron and David, who have grown into delightful adult companions.

Potential, particularly the prospect of new life: Lindsay and Aaron's first child—and our first grandbaby—Ezra, whose anticipated arrival is early next year.

Extended family who are friends and longtime friends who are like family.

More than a dozen congregations that, from birth until now, have represented the tangible presence of Christ to my family and me.

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My colleagues on the board and staff of the Baptist Standard, who daily express their fidelty to God's calling by faithfully serving God's people consistently and creatively.

Modern-day healers—doctors, nurses, medical technicians—who are fighting to save the lives of people I love.

Strong knees and healthy lungs, which allow me to keep running and allow me to kid myself into believing I'm much younger than 54.

The people who figured out all the details that enable me to record podcasts and play them in my car. (What's a radio?)

Enchiladas, iced tea, chips and salsa.

Chocolate cake, chocolate pie, chocolate-chip cookies, chocolate chunks in raspberry ice cream.


Books. Even digital books.

Fresh-green spring grass and golden autumn leaves.

The 2010 Major League Baseball season, even including four wish-we-could-take-back games in the World Series.

Boots that feel like a second skin.

Our back patio/porch.

Jo's chicken-noodle soup, with Ro-tell tomatoes and totellini.

Caps and sunscreen.

The beach. Any beach.

Well, I'm happy and all grateful now.  I'll be taking up my own challenge to spend time every morning expressing my thanks to God. I hope you'll join me. And if you discover any insights, comment on this blog and tell us about it.

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