Richard Ray: New to the Ministry? This session’s for you


The Bivocational/Small Church Association annual conference is scheduled July 11-12 on the campus of Baptist University of the Américas in San Antonio.

This conference is designed to minister to small-church ministers and their families who have taken on the call of God to serve in the small-church mission field. Last week, I reported this conference will provide breakouts sessions that will edify, educate and equip you to serve in the small-church mission field.

Richard RayThis week, I would like to highlight one of our breakout seminars. “New to the Ministry” features instructor Pastor Robert Cuellar of Primera Iglesia Bautista of San Angelo. Robert also serves the Baptist General Convention of Texas as a church strategist for West Texas. He has a heart for small-church ministers and their families and understands the struggles new pastors encounter as they serve their churches.

In this breakout seminar, Robert will address some of the challenges new ministers face. He will touch on such topics as time management, family time, how to conduct a funeral, performing a wedding ceremony, hospital visitation, home and bereavement visitations, conflict resolution, Sunday worship preparation, how to conduct a church business meeting and how to be a shepherd to the church. He also will address questions or concerns you have in the ministry.

If you are new to the ministry or you are in need of some direction in any of these areas, I encourage you to attend this seminar.

texas baptist voices right120Ministers need a mentor to help them grow in the ministry. I encourage you to allow Robert Cuellar to be your mentor during the conference. Robert will edify, educate and equip you to serve your church with a new passion for God’s people.

You can find additional information and register for the conference on our website, or you may contact me via email. 

In next week’s article, I will highlight another breakout seminar from the Bivocational/Small Church Association conference.

Remember, God has called you to serve, but God has not called you to serve alone. Let us be your advocate, your resource and your prayer partner as you fulfill your calling. Until next time, please visit our website

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Richard Ray is president of the Bivocational/Small Church Association, pastor of First Baptist Church in Wink and director of missions for Pecos Valley Baptist Association. You can reach him at [email protected].

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