Texas Baptist Forum

Texas Baptist Forum


Prayer rally: pro & con

The editor laments the fact of a prayer rally called for Aug. 6 by Gov. Rick Perry (July 18). The editor quotes the book of Amos to remind us of the futility of offerings or prayers not consistent with the practice of humility and worship.

Seems I remember a verse that begins: "If my people …" (2 Chronicles 7:14). Here is contained a quote from God to Solomon, the chosen ruler of the day. This is not a bad reminder for today and a precedent for our governor.

I wonder if the editor would criticize politics, marginalization and failing if a theologist, clergyman or perhaps President Carter had called for a day of prayer.

I would almost bet he would have advised his parents: "The bathroom repair is on hold. I have to go to a prayer meeting."

Thank God for a few people in the political area that still have a faith and practice to recognize prayer as a resource for the people.

H. Harold Brown

Port Neches

I was so pleased with the editorial, "What about Perry's big prayer rally?" (July 18). I have been concerned about this since Gov. Rick Perry first announced he was planning a prayer rally. You touched on most of the issues that have been giving me concern.

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I am not a Rick Perry supporter, but when someone declares he will pray, I believe I should take great care before making any statement. I do not trust the politician, Rick Perry. I have seen no evidence of the Christian, Rick Perry. Of course, that does not mean he is not.

I very much appreciate your reference to Amos. You quoted some very important passages. The warnings Amos gave to Israel are well worth our attention today. He told them they had turned away from God. They were worshipping golden calves much as we worship wealth today. They were not caring for the poor. There was much injustice and sin in the nation. Standard readers may want to go to the book of Amos and read what Amos warned would happen to Israel if they did not turn from these wicked ways.

It would be great if such a rally could be dedicated to prayer and not just an opportunity for politicians to push their own agenda as if God is on their side.

Thank you for giving me a way to handle this. I can dedicate the day to prayer, and I will.

Geraldine Fuller Boyd


Immigration debate

After spending more than a year trying to obtain a visa for my wife to join me here from Hong Kong before she succumbed to cancer, I am totally disgusted with the Southern Convention leaders who advocated total amnesty for undocumented immigrants (June 20).

For Resolutions Committee Chairman Paul Jimenez to say undocumented immigrants should be considered for their "gospel status" is insulting to everyone. Is he interested only in increasing the size of Baptist churches? And to do this he wants to use illegal immigrants? Then why not send ships to Muslim countries and illegally bring in more "prospects for evangelism and ministry"? Aren't we supposed to go and tell and not bring here and tell? Seems like the lazy and safe way to do mission work.

I can understand the Catholic Church's position in the immigration debate, because herein my hometown, their churches are growing rapidly, fueled by Hispanic increases. But to have Baptist leaders supporting this same action has me wondering if I can or should remain a Baptist.

I am sure I will be thought of as a racist, but that is to be expected. I will say it anyway for what it's worth: I am not a racist and have many dear friends and neighbors from all over the world. I just deeply believe laws should be observed, at least until they are changed.

Mick Tahaney

Port Arthur

Land doesn't speak for Baptists

I have been a Southern Baptist for more than 50 years. Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, does not speak for me on any issue, especially voting for president (July 4).  

There was a time, not too many years ago, when the leader of a Southern Baptist Convention entity would not even attempt to speak for Southern Baptists.  However, a kind of self-righteous certainty of being right in all subjects and a feeling of superiority that produces arrogance has changed that for the worst.  

But it has not changed who I am.  I shall vote as I please, and my vote will probably not agree with Land's Southern Baptist position.

Jimmy Law

Pilot Point


It was good to see you talking about marriage again (June 6).

The Better Marriages Fiesta is scheduled in Albuquerque July 7-10. It would be great to see more Texas Baptist couples involved in modeling marriage at its best. Go to www.bettermarriages.org for all conference information.

All of us who are married are demonstrating what marriage is like or what it can be. Some marriages provide evidence of strength rather than than bad modeling. We need more couples to stand up for the best in marriage. One of the reasons for the decline in the percentage of marriages is the lack of healthy models.

I encourage you to post more information on what a healthy marriage is and can be. Many of us invest more money on car maintenance than we do to keep our marriage current and in great shape. 

Bobbye and I are in a marriage enrichment group with five other couples that meets once per month to work on our marriage. We have been meeting monthly since 1983. All of us need to continue to work on the health of marriage. 

Britton Wood

Fort Worth

What do you think? Send letters to Editor Marv Knox by mail: P.O. Box 660267, Dallas 75266-0267; or by e-mail: [email protected]. Due to space considerations, limit letters to 250 words and one letter per writer per quarter.



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