Texas Baptist Forum


'Pure political lie'

"Students urged to consider others when thinking of global warming" (April 16) failed to recognize the benefits to mankind as God brings global warming into our world.

The article does recognize the fact any human activity that is harmful to life should be limited.

This includes emissions of hydrocarbon or carbon monoxide gases. These emissions, however, affect only areas near the point of emission. Carbon dioxide is the gas component in the atmosphere that is leading to global warming.

Global heating and cooling cycles have been continuing through all time. I cannot understand why Katherine Hayhoe does not know that fact. God has used all these cycles to help humans develop cultures and knowledge, expanded living areas and much more.

The article failed to mention how important global warming is to food needs in the years ahead.

It also failed to mention that the carbon dioxide output by human activity is a very small percentage of the measured carbon dioxide increase in the world atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is as essential to plant life as oxygen is to human life. Warmer climate increases the time for plant growth in the temperate zones of our earth, thus increasing food production. Human population is growing at a rapid pace in our world. God is providing a way for humans to increase agricultural output. Our prayer should be that we use God's gift of global warming to increase food production.

Yes, some people near low sea levels will need to move. However, millions more people will benefit from global warming than will be inconvenienced by God's plan.

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Human-caused global warming is a pure political lie.

William H. Osborne


Slack-jawed amazement

The late Grady Nutt used a comment, "slack-jawed amazement." That's how I felt when I read about Southern Baptist leaders investigating whether Richard Land had plagiarized comments.

Is their real concern that he plagiarized the racist comments or that he made them? I read the article a couple of times, and that's the way it seems.

Is the possible offense plagiarizing or promoting hate and injustice? It seems this report of action by the Southern Baptist Convention could be just as damaging—or even more damaging—than the remarks by Land

Carl Hess

Ozark, Ala.

Transforming love

Maureen Dowd's recent op-ed in the New York Times asked, "What would Jesus do at the Masters?"

She was exactly right in saying: "The message of Jesus, after all, is not about exclusion, but inclusion."

The resurrected Jesus is indeed the Prince of Peace, Justice and Equality. Jesus especially sides with those who suffer unfairly from racial, gender, sexual orientation and economic oppression.

America and the whole world would be a much better place if we modeled Jesus' transforming love of which compassion, generosity, forgiveness, grace and humility are key components.

Jesus' teaching, preaching and deeds make it easy to know what Jesus would do at the Masters.

Paul L. Whiteley Sr.

Louisville, Ky.

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