Bonding with believers

I worked the early shift at the English Center. As I waited for Asians to come and practice their English, a college student named Tina approached me.


We began small talk and learning basic facts about each other. Then she boldly asked me if I was a follower of Jesus Christ. I smiled and said, “Yes.” We then began sharing our testimonies. Next, we discussed our favorite worship songs and softly began singing “Hosana in the Highest.”

After that, a young man named Fred sat down with us. We soon discovered he was a follower of Jesus as well. Then, two high school students joined us at our table. They did not speak the native language of this country well and struggled speaking English. The Holy Spirit led me to share my testimony with them through a drawing using the roads described in Matthew 7:13-14. As I began sharing, their faces lit up. I soon learned their family just moved to this country to serve and share about the good news of Jesus.

I was just in awe of God. He brought five people representing three countries together in a large Muslim nation at the same time and place to share how he changed our lives. It was so beautiful to see people of other nations’ love for God. I have a powerful God who draws people of every tribe and every tongue to himself.

Lauren, a student at Stephen F. Austin State University, is serving in Southeast Asia with Go Now Missions. Her last name is withheld for security reasons.

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