El Paso: Sharing the gospel every day

Students from the Baptist Student Ministry at the University of Texas at El Paso visit White Sands, N.M.


While I was at the training/staff retreat about three weeks before school started here at the University of Texas at El Paso, I felt God calling me to do something different this semester. I really sensed God telling me I needed to try to share the gospel every day. 

jon roman130Jon RomanI told Jessica—a fellow intern—what God had been telling me, and she told me she had been feeling the exact same way. So, we told our director, and he felt like God had put it in his heart, as well. 

I know that this isn’t exactly a revolutionary idea. In fact, I feel kind of silly even writing this. Of course I should be trying to share the gospel every day. It’s something we all should do as Christians. I just felt like I needed to make a change from concept to habit. 

So far, it’s been going pretty well. In fact, I think it is the best thing that I have done for my spiritual health in a long time. I still feel a lot of anxiety when going out to evangelize. Sometimes, it’s even more than anxiety. Some days, I really have to force myself out onto the campus, because evangelism is not one of my gifts at all. 

But that actually keeps me really desperate for God. I feel a need to spend time with God every morning, because I’m not sure what sort of questions people will ask me. I feel a strong need to pray, because I’m never sure who I should talk to, and I want to make sure it’s God’s message that comes out of me and not my own. 

Some days it has gone really well, and some days people aren’t very receptive. But I am excited to see what God is going to do this semester.

Please pray for our daily evangelism here at UTEP and for our ministry as a whole. I know our campus needs Jesus. I can see it in the interactions I have with students. In our BSM, we often pray that God would work through us and not around us, because we know God is always working. Please pray that we would sincerely desire to be a part of God’s great works.

Jon Roman is serving with Go Now Missions as a campus missionary intern at the University of Texas at El Paso. 

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