Learning about putting an end to hunger

Hunger Farm


Morning began with a visit to the World Hunger Relief farm near Waco. We learned what the Farm Bill is and how it applies to the issue of food distribution.  The people at World Hunger Relief gave us a better picture of how hunger can be relieved and how we just need to work together as a community. We toured the farm and enjoyed seeing their goats and chickens. Then we helped with the harvest. It was so much fun! We pulled onions and cleaned them ready for sale locally.

Hunger Farm

A visit to the World Hunger Relief Farm gave us a better picture of how hunger can be relieved and how we just need to work together as a community.

After lunch, we took fliers and yard signs to the sites where meals will be provided during the summer. I was glad to see that those places are really well suited to meet the needs of poor families, and the people are willing to serve—not only religious groups, but also the whole community. Education districts, recreation centers and churches of all denominations are united to help end hunger in Texas.

Even so, I find it easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done. We had to go to different sides of the city to deliver publicity, and the weather here is really hot. This afternoon, I began to think I could not wait to get back home. Then I asked God to help me with my attitude. Right away, I just felt more energized, and my attitude changed toward people. I know God wants us to serve with a good attitude. I thank God because he answers when we need him.

Olivia Rodriguez, a student at the University of Texas at El Paso, is serving with the Texas Hunger Initiative in San Angelo this summer, following orientation in Waco.

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