New York: God can work anywhere, anytime—even back home


This summer, I had the privilege to work in New York City once again. However, instead of a two-week trip, it turned into a two-month trip. No matter where I am, though, God always is there. He did great and awesome things this entire summer—miracles. From someone accepting Christ, to just providing patience to tired workers, God has been at work in New York City, back home in Paris, Texas, and in my heart, as well.

eric aguinaga130Eric AguinagaOne miracle that amazed me was when God allowed me to lead a friend back home to Christ over the phone. My friend had several things he needed to work through, and disbelief was one issue. He wasn’t sure why God, who loves us, would allow bad things to happen to us. I struggled with this myself when I lost a friend to suicide in September and my grandfather to natural causes two months later. I was angry at God; however, I was also sad—that my friend was gone and that I had lost a very close family member. From this anger and sadness grew this sense of helplessness, and wondering why it had to happen—why God allowed it to happen.

Give every emotion and thought to him

My friend had those same feelings. He wondered why. He was sad. He was angry with God. He didn’t want to believe any more. He was vulnerable, broken and crying out to God, even though he didn’t realize it. When I look back at last year, I think all of these emotions and thoughts allowed me to grow closer to God. To completely trust in God, I have to give every single emotion and thought to him. I have to allow God into my life to change me.

God did something to my friend, something amazing. As humans, we will never know what happens, but somehow when we are weak and vulnerable, God shows his strength. God gets us through the bad times and allows us to rejoice in the happiest of times. God is my rock. He is everything we need. Even from a long distance away, I was able to help my friend understand God sometimes allows these things to happen so we will seek him out, so that he can show us how much he really loves us. God is love, and he loves us no matter what.

Never alone again

My friend accepted this love, accepted Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. Since then, from that moment, God has been showering him with love, showing him that he will never be alone again. 

A couple of verses of Scripture remind us of that truth: “I loved you at your darkest” (Romans 5:8). “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3). 

Eric Aguinaga, a student at Paris Junior College, served with Go Now Missions in New York City—and ministered by phone to a friend back home.

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