Peru: Hungry for more

Janet Ruiz has her students participate in an Interactive activity on Heroes from the Bible.


I had asked three of the kids from the children’s ministry and feeding program if they wanted to help me paint some posters for a party I am planning for them.

They were more than willing. They agreed to come early Saturday morning. They were knocking at my door 10 minutes before the appointed time.

peru posters300Janet Ruiz and kids painting some posters for the party.As they were painting, Kevin said, “Miss Janet, tell me about Jesus.”

“What would you like to know?” I asked.

“Everything,” he responded, wide-eyed and ready to soak it all in.

I told him about Jesus’ birth, his love for people and his obedience to the Father. As Kevin was painting and asking questions, I could see his hunger for more.

Many families here are broken. Most kids are raised by their grandparents or a mother who is never home. Many do not have a father in their home. Mothers are single and left alone to raise their kids and work. There is a deep need for a Father.

The children need to know that there is One who cares and wants to be their Rock, Protection and Provider. Pray that they come to know the Father who will never leave them and who will love them despite their faults.

Janet Ruiz, a student at the University of Texas-Pan American, is serving with Go Now Missions in Peru.

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