Remember and pray

This summer has been tough on Colorado. The experienced some of the most destructive forest fires in this nation’s history. And then to top it off, we witnessed one of the most senseless acts of violence this country has ever seen.


I lived within 20 miles of the fires and 40 minutes from the shooting. It felt as though I was at the core of all the suffering, and my heart felt broken. Broken for the lost, broken for the suffering, and broken for those who seek comfort but can find none.

From these tragedies, so many questions arise. Why did this happen? Why does God let these bad things happen? What was the reason for this? Why, why, why? It is in these times that I don't feel ready. I feel like I don't have the adequate words or answers to comfort people. And I don't feel ready to be a missionary or to work in ministry.

But then I remember a time when I wasn't ready to surrender to Jesus. I remember when I wasn't ready to move to Colorado. I remember when I wasn't ready to share my testimony with people. I remember when I wasn't ready to lead someone to Christ or convey my beliefs. I remember when I questioned everything, and I when I wasn't ready to give up my plans and my dreams. I remember that never—not even once—was I truly as ready as I had wanted to be. And I remember that God has kept and fulfilled every last one of his promises, every single one, in his perfect time.

God says, “Follow me.” And he leads. He does not falter. This summer, God taught me again and again that his purpose is sovereign and his purpose prevails.

Even though my time in Colorado is up, I can feel God moving. I know he will take all of those messes and use them for his glory and divine purpose.

Colorado needs your prayers. Pray that Aurora feels God’s touch. Pray that Colorado feels his touch.

Kali Hellinghausen, a student at Northwestern State University, served in Fort Collins, Colo., with Go Now Missions.

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