South Asia: Learn as you go


When my team and I first arrived at the airport in our destination city for training, our supervisors gave us an envelope, told us to follow the instructions if we wanted to have somewhere to sleep that night, and good luck.

In the envelope was a piece of paper with printed instructions and a little bit of money. We had to find a cab, give the driver directions and find our hotel. It was madness. But it turned out to be just a little taste of what training was going to be like.

‘Hands-on’ training

Everything we did was hands-on and “figure it out as you go.” We were given phones, assigned tasks to complete daily and sent us out in teams into the city. And none of us knew the area or the language. At first, it was incredibly frustrating and a bit unnerving, but now, I am so thankful they trained us the way they did. It taught me a lot about relying on the Lord, discernment and how to be observant. Not to mention, I now know that I can function independently in a foreign country without too much difficulty. 

Thanks to all the hands-on training, my team and I were able to share the Good News with several women we met during our metro rides. Please pray for those relationships to continue to grow via email and that, God willing, we will be able to meet up with three specific college-age girls when we go back to that city at the end of our trip.

Powerful praying

I really cannot explain just how important and powerful praying is. It is literally the foundation of everything we do here. We wake up and pray. We pray together before we even walk out our front door. We pray before we prayer-walk. And we prayer-walk everyday. Praying is a huge part of doing missions here. Without it, I don’t think mission work here would even be possible. 

All in all, training week was wonderful and incredibly necessary. Our supervisors taught us so much, and God really used that time to focus my heart on the task he has given me here. 

Madison, a student at the University of Texas at Arlington, is serving in South Asia with Go Now Missions. Her last name is withheld for security reasons.

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