Senior adults reveal spiritual needs through stories with deep meaning, chaplain says_110804

Posted: 11/05/04

Senior adults reveal spiritual needs through
stories with deep meaning, chaplain says

By John Hall

Texas Baptist Communications

BURNET--Grandpa's stories about his war experience may be tales of spiritual battle more than combat between men. Older people naturally speak of spiritual matters through stories, Mike Mullender, a chaplain in the Baylor Health Care System, told a recent chaplaincy reteat sponsored by the Baptist General Convention of Texas.


Posted: 11/05/04

Senior adults reveal spiritual needs through
stories with deep meaning, chaplain says

By John Hall

Texas Baptist Communications

BURNET–Grandpa's stories about his war experience may be tales of spiritual battle more than combat between men. Older people naturally speak of spiritual matters through stories, Mike Mullender, a chaplain in the Baylor Health Care System, told a recent chaplaincy reteat sponsored by the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

The tales they tell may not contain overtly spiritual language, but many have deeper personal meanings, he said. The stories give ministers an insight into the person.

“The thing to remember when you hear those stories over and over is, 'What does that tell you about that person?'” Mullender said.

Older people's inclination to want to talk about spiritual matters can be helpful to ministers, he added.

The door typically is open to discuss their faith, Mullender said. Many are wrestling with religious issues and are looking for someone to speak with.

“If we have the ears to hear, we can enter into so many conversations,” he said.

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