Nebiye Kelile: God in My Working


Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact [email protected].

Nebiye Kelile: God in My Working (Ruth 2:1-13)

Nebiye Kelile, pastor of Pathway City Church and Orchard Hills Baptist Church, provides background to the Book of Ruth by recounting part of the history of God’s people. He draws a contrast between Elimelech—a man not to be—and Boaz—a man to be. He also draws a contrast between Orpah—who turns back—and Ruth—who stays with Naomi for the long haul.

In describing Boaz, Kelile says, “We don’t want chauvinism, but we do want chivalry.” Further, Boaz was ready to assume responsibility, unlike Elimelech. Kelile calls for leaders like Boaz in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Ruth demonstrated faith in God, not by waiting, but by going to work. In doing so, God provided for her as she went to work gleaning in Boaz’s field.

Kelile works verse by verse through Ruth 2:1-13, applying each verse to issues faced by young adults and others today.

This sermon was posted online on Mar. 28, 2020, for the morning worship service of Pathway City Church in Garland on Mar. 29, 2020. It is part of a series on the Book of Ruth.

The transcript for this sermon is available here.

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