CommonCall: Grateful for a place to call home

Churches in Heart of Texas Baptist Network helped the missionary couple Darbi and Blu Tidwell and their children feel at home in the associational missions house.


Churches in Heart of Texas Baptist Network built a mission house as a tangible way to say “thank you” to missionaries who serve around the world.

Blu and Darbi Tidwell, the first missionaries to live in that house, are thankful those congregations went beyond building a house and provided them a home.

commoncall november2013 300Churches had used the house for a variety of functions over the years, but for the last several, it went unused and fell into disrepair.

When the idea of turning the house into a waystation for furloughing missionaries came up, the local association of churches approved it, but not without discussion, said Don Fawcett, associational director of missions.

Many churches and associations were getting rid of their missionary houses, associational leaders noted. They thoroughly discussed the outlay of funds necessary for the project. But ultimately, they decided to do what they could to bless missionaries.

Churches from across the association decorated and furnished the home to make it a warm, friendly place where missionaries would feel welcome.

The homes first residents, the Tidwells, have served in Africa six years. Since 2010, they have been founding administrators at New Day Orphanage in Zambia.

Darbi Tidwell was grateful for the effort that went into the house.

This excerpt is from an article featured in the November issue of CommonCall magazine. Read more stories like this, plus commentary, news and other resources, by subscribing here.

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