IN TOUCH: DOMs, retirees, chaplains & students

David Hardage


Hello, Texas Baptists. Your Baptist Building staff, led by Lorenzo Peña and Susan Ater, hosted a wonderful group of Texas Baptist directors of missions in your Baptist Building recently. These are good servants doing good work, and I am glad to have them as our ministry partners. We strongly support the work of the local Baptist association.

Under the direction of longtime Texas Baptist leader Richard Faling and through the work of your Texas Baptists Missions Foundation ( a group of retired ministers and missionaries gathered in Kerrville for their annual retreat. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to fellowship with and speak to this group.

David Hardage

As you know, Texas Baptists now have endorsed more than 700 chaplains around the state, country and world, serving in many different capacities. Led by Bobby Smith and Brad Riza, many of these chaplains and spouses gathered in Waxahachie recently for a training and fellowship time. I was honored to spend some time talking to them about who we are and what we are doing as a Texas Baptist family. If you or someone you know is interested in pursuing chaplaincy endorsement, please contact us at

Our Baptist General Convention of Texas Day at Logsdon Seminary ( on the campus of Hardin-Simmons University was such a blessing to me and the others from our staff who were able to attend. Thanks to Dean Don Wiliford for the invitation. We'll be back next year!

I spent a few minutes with your Baptist Building information technology staff recently, encouraging them in the Lord and his work. We are blessed by such fine folks, led by our own Dave Lyons.

It was a privilege to preach at Northside Baptist Church in Corsicana (, where my friend Rick Lamb is the pastor. Northside has just completed a beautiful building addition and remodel. Very impressive!

Bill Roe is the director of missions for Bosque Baptist Association. He so honored me with the invitation to preach at their evangelism conference, held at First Baptist Church in Clifton ( Some years ago, he led my ordination service and the dedication time for our son, John. He and Nina mean so much to Kathleen and me!

More next time. See you in Corpus Christi Oct. 29-31.

David Hardage is executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board.

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