Detroit: Sharing the gospel in a scarf shop


After leaving a bakery where we go to typically on the weekend to develop conversations about Isa—the Muslim name for Jesus—one of the girls on my team suggested we visit a scarf shop. So, we drove down the road and stopped at the first shop.

maria castorena130Maria CastorenaUpon entering the shop, I immediately regretted stepping inside. The room was filled with incense that made my eyes want to tear up. After only a few minutes of looking I was ready to leave. I was tired and done.

But the next thing I knew, the owner of the store a man began to talk to us. The conversation quickly moved from small talk to his faith. Five minutes into the conversation, I realized this man was open to discussing his faith and even open to hearing me discuss my assurance in Isa. I immediately just began to pray as he challenged me with difficult questions. Many of my answers he used as a response back to me. It was like he didn’t want to acknowledge he could be wrong. But even in his ego or ignorance, the Lord was having him repeat truth to me without truly knowing it.

I praise the Lord for speaking through me. Looking back, some of the questions were difficult. I am thankful the Lord protected the conversation from becoming a debate. We ended our conversation by challenging each other to read and study, and wrestle with what is true. I thanked him for allowing us to have a discussion. He said, “You are welcome back anytime.”

Even though he was willing to have a discussion, his heart was hardened in his responses and filled with religious rituals. Please pray for him that God would soften his heart. Pray that more followers of Isa (Jesus) would come to his shop. Pray he will consider my responses of assurance and confidence in knowing where I will spend eternity with Allah (God). I also want to highlight how gracious our God is towards us. I had a stinky attitude, but God’s ability to use me is not dependent on how I feel.

Maria Castorena, a student at West Texas A&M University, is serving with Go Now Missions in Detroit, Mich.

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